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Should I delete an old friend on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I delete an old friend on Facebook? - Matt Smith - 02-26-2013 08:56 PM

I really want to delete her cause I stopped talking to her about a year ago nearly cause she had no interest in me anymore and only used me when required.

But 2 years ago this is the one person I thought i'd never delete in a million years, we had such great times together, especially during the summer of 2011. I want to in one way, but its like saying this is the end, closing the door on the past and the good times it had.

We have photos we're both in, we shared a limo at school prom. It's feels so difficult cause at one time she was such a big part of my life, but if I see her around now its awkward and we try to ignore each other. The other week we were on the same bus but completely ignored each other.

Its just the part of finally admitting to myself its all over that I'm struggling with. I know I should but as I write this a million memories flash through my mind, stuff we did together.

Then there's the case of her friends that I added but they weren't my friends, we just spoke at the time cause we shared a mutual friend, but I don't really like them, should they be deleted to.

I think it will be a good thing to delete, but just hard.

- Willow - 02-26-2013 09:04 PM

Don't delete her and get over yourself.

- Bashir - 02-26-2013 09:09 PM

i would have deleted her and her friends if i were you.

- Emran - 02-26-2013 09:16 PM

Before you delete her, print a picture of her from her profile. take it to the toilet, light it on fire and flush it down the toilet. It looks like a really dull idea but try it and you will easily delete her and get closure.

Try it.

- Ying Ying - 02-26-2013 09:24 PM

u should delete YOUR facebook and only add back the people u actually know.

- MAUDE STONER - 02-26-2013 09:31 PM

You are YOUNG! DO NOT DELETE HER! You can right click on her name in a the feeds and choose to not display her feeds.
I tell you this because I just became friends with my Cousin after 30 yrs of no communication. We are both 47 and at the age of 17 we went our owe ways. Then we found each other and it is the COOLEST (sorry if that's a cornball word) thing EVER!
We have agreed on not discussing certain things and that left us with 75% of our past to reminisce about. we have more fun then we ever did as kids.
Every day we look for each other to joke and play around on Facebook.
SO, My suggestion is because you do have communal friends, just list her as a friend of a friend or find a way to put her in the background of your Facebook Feeds or Page. In time you may change.
ALSO, one other thing her and i have in common is we get so crazy we have a contest going on about how many family members and friends have BLOCKED us from their pages. we laugh, to H*ll with them!
I say this because Facebook should, NOT in my opinion be used or looked at as a TRUE NETWORKING site. Network on LinkedIn, have fun on Facebook, it is set up like a time capsule, a journal of you life. My kids always wanted me to write down my adventures, now that i have my Cuz we banter back and forth about them.... that's so much easier.!
hope this helps.

- Bim - 02-26-2013 09:35 PM

I think you have not able to delete the friend at the face book account .You have to able to unfriend at the Facebook account if you like to delete some old friend in your face book account .

- pokemon - 02-26-2013 09:43 PM

Dont delete her, just in case. hide most of your posts and stuff if you want to.

- Daniel - 02-26-2013 09:44 PM

Its your Choice it Sounds like you Want to Delete that Person So Go Ahead and Do it