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What do you know about Google Adsense? Is it a scam? - Printable Version

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What do you know about Google Adsense? Is it a scam? - shiraa - 02-27-2013 04:39 AM

I started google adsense like 2 months ago, and made about 500 dollars. It says i am eligable for a paycheck if i provide my social security, why does it need my social security? Has anyone tried it yet? i also see a lot of websites that have ads by google.

- justbovski - 02-27-2013 04:41 AM

Google want all information they can get from you.

Is Google Adsense a scam no not at all lots of people make lots of money from it.

- Freddi Lee - 02-27-2013 04:46 AM

Google Adsense itself is not a scam. However, they will NEVER ask you for your social security number. If someone is asking for your social security number, then it is a scam. If you don't remember signing up for it, then don't give them any information. Instead, go to and use their contact information to make a report.

Good Luck!

- Sonja - 02-27-2013 04:54 AM

No!!!!! It's definitely not a scam!!!!!! Google is multi-billion $ public company - one of the biggest & most profitable in the world. Some websites earn millions of $ with the Adsense program.

Just like any company, it needs to file taxes and has to report the $ it has given out. So asking for your social security is b/c it has to report it to the IRS.
I believe in the US they ask for SS # but for foreigners they don't (I'm in Canada). I say this b/c another person said they didn't ask him for his SS#.

Just make sure you signed up on the official site:
(and not some phishing site) before you give out your personal info.

PS $500 in 2 months is really good!!!!! Your website is doing well!!! Congrats!!!! ☺☺☺

- Humpty - 02-27-2013 04:59 AM

No it's not a scam . Most people get paid as long as they stick to the Policies rigidly. Many people get paid every month.

In the USA they are required by law to report payments to anyone who earns over $600 in the financial year. Income from AdSense is taxable although I assume (like the UK) you are allowed to earn a certain amount every year without reaching a tax threshold. Anyway that's why they are required to collect you SSN in the US. In other countries you are responsible for declaring your own income.

- imisidro - 02-27-2013 05:08 AM

Adsense is a way to monetize and earn money from your site by putting Google ads from their advertising network Adwords. It has been around since June 2003 and Adsense has allowed many website owners to earn from their sites.

Yes Adsense asks for your SSN or EIN (employer Identification number) if you are in the US because they report to the IRS any income that you will receive from the program.

At the end of the year (around end January), you will receive a Form 1099 from them, stating the income you received from Adsense