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I hate, but still love my ex boyfriend!? - Printable Version

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I hate, but still love my ex boyfriend!? - Jess - 02-27-2013 07:08 AM

It's been almost 5 months since we broke up, basically he dumped. He had different priorities going on and I wasn't one of them. He had liked me for four years and then we dated for 10 months and after that I guess he had enough of me.
He hasn't talked to me since. I saw him on the bus a few weeks ago, he sorta smiled at me, but other than that he defiantly avoided me (we got off at the same stop, he took off in the other direction.) It makes me mad he didn't have the decency to stop and say hello. On Facebook he posts and likes all this crap that appears on my news feed and well that gets me more mad. I'm so bitter. I hate his guts for doing what he did to me, but I still love him and I can't get fully over him. What to do?
I'm 19

- Jodie - 02-27-2013 07:13 AM

Delete him from facebook, block his number - just forget him =)