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Do I have a virus? Avast blocking sites.? - Printable Version

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Do I have a virus? Avast blocking sites.? - Daniel - 02-27-2013 07:14 AM

Yesterday I was in Facebook, I tried to go to the main page but it just wouldn't load so I closed it, I tried to go into Facebook again but an Avast message popped up and said "
Process:file://C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome.exe
Infection:js:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]"
So I tried to log into my Facebook account from my phone, but I couldn't. I googled the virus and read these horrible things about how criminal can steal your banking information with it, so I freaked out a little and decided to delete Chrome. Now, the problem is, I can't access any of the sites related to my Facebook e-mail account (Youtube or Hotmail) because Avast pops the same message. I already scanned my whole computer with Avast and found only two files infected, which had nothing to do with Js: Scrtipt info Trj, but apparently I cannot access Youtube from my PS3 or phone, actually I can't even do an Internet search with them. Also, today, I restarted my modem and I was able to log into Facebook and Youtube from Chrome with no problem, but it just happened again. What can I do?

- MinecrafterX2 - 02-27-2013 07:18 AM

Try AVG 2013, it's easy to use and understand, and you can scan your computer, and it finds every virus, and shows you where it is. Try using that.

- Irfan Junaid - 02-27-2013 07:21 AM

Try turning off the protection and login to facebook. Also update avast.

- Quy Nguyen - 02-27-2013 07:26 AM

yes js:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]" it is a virus nothing about "stealing banking information or others thing you may concern it just a virus trying to ruin your pc.
the virus you you got it come from java script file it a pretty hard virus to get rid of but try download malwarebytes scan,remove.
If that not work im not sure cause i never heard of this virus before only security type medium or low risk virus,you got a high virus. scroll down and follow the procedure.
Hope you can remove it.

- Techno - 02-27-2013 07:28 AM

Uninstall any toolbars from your browser, then follow the instructions here... ☺

- Alan - 02-27-2013 07:35 AM

First I'll say Avast is one of the best antiviruses and don't let anyone tell you different. But Avast alone is not enough with todays hacked up internet. You should do a few things that will increase your security and stop the problems. First you should do regular boot time scans with Avast, not the regular scan but look for Avasts boot time scan feature and use it at least 3 times a month. Second find a malware scanner like Malwarebytes, Spybot Search And Destroy, Combofix, Bitdefender etc. Try one, try them all but find one you like and run regular scans with it as well, you will notice that one tool can't find all, and won't do it all, but a combination of a few good tools is great protection and clean up.
Last take your updates seriously, those annoying updates are worth there weight in gold. Your js:Script Trj, might have been prevented if you are 100% up to date with your java version. Google: Java, and update to latest stuff. There's a few addons to Firefox to help limit and control the Java hacks that can go on while on a website, add the NoScript addon to Firefox. Also if you haven't already, do 100% of Windows security updates if your using Windows.........and keep it that way.

- DunbarPappy®ϟϟ - 02-27-2013 07:36 AM

After you get this resolved, modify Chrome to deflect these JavaScript problems:

CHROME> wrench icon> Preferences> Under the hood> Content settings>
Cookies heading: tick "Allow local data..." & "Ignore exceptions and block 3rd party...";
Plug-in's heading> tick "Click to play";
Location heading> tick "Do not allow...";
Notifications> tick "Ask me when...";
Mouse cursor> tick "Do not allow site to disable...";
Close tab.

"AdBlock Plus" (might need 'subscription' added after install).
"KB SSL Enforcer" add-on:
►►"ScriptSafe" stops all kinds of nasties and should be used by everyone.