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Filing taxes and finally moving out of my gf house? - Printable Version

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Filing taxes and finally moving out of my gf house? - Boguard - 02-28-2013 12:34 AM

Well I have been living with my girlfriend for about 6 years, and I'm tired of her! My tax return form just came in the mail, and I'm planning to move out with it when shes at work. I'm just tired of trying to be controlled and told what to do all the time! Not only that but I'm just not in love with her anymore! She says I owe her money but its my whole tax return check! I'm not going to let her have any of it! She has a job that pay over 100,000 a year! And I only make 30,000 a year! If I give her my tax return what I'm going to live off of? I feel bad about doing this but I have to survive! We have no kids together so its easier for me to walk away. I have been trying to get away from her for a full year now here is my chance and she wants me to pay her back right away. I can't though I have to move and she knows I'm moving. Like she needs that money, I need it more then she does! I feel so bad about taking the money I owe her and running with it. But If I don't... I would stuck there longer with someone I don't love anymore. I want to pay her but on my own time, When I'm on my feet.

- H A E - 02-28-2013 12:40 AM

It sounds like you've been planning to move for awhile now and had the opportunity to save up money for a deposit/first month's rent and moving. You didn't do that, so how much do you really want to end this relationship and how much of this is having an opportunity to change your disappointing/boring life and taking the easy way out? If you're unhappy with life, that's going to be true regardless of where you live. If you were really disappointed with your relationship, it seems like you would have taken steps during the past year to get out of it.

Either way, you owe this woman money and she shouldn't have to eat the debt because you refused to save during the year. She will likely take you to court over it, and will wind up winning and being able to put a draw on your check. You'll wind up in trouble with your new landlord at your new place. Instead, why don't you give her some of your refund money and set up a schedule for paying back the rest? That way, if you go to court, a judge will be less likely to find in her favor until you've renigged on payments. Plus, she won't have to feel so used. That's a regrettable way to treat someone you've been with for so many years.

Good luck.

- Maxi - 02-28-2013 12:45 AM

I hope you and your tax return are very happy together............... and she will learn she had a lucky escape..............

- Joseph Gamble - 02-28-2013 12:50 AM

I have been there and done the same thing. Its the constant yapping and bossing you around. Its because she makes decent money and maybe even tells people what to do at her job.....sure it isn't the same bich i was with? Leave her and never make contact again. Change your number the day before you leave and sever all media and the whole nine yards. Its difficult for a few weeks but it gets better. You dont even feel like a man anymore you been listening to that big mouth of hers bark orders so long. Get busy living or get busy dyeing. If I could do it on 180.00 shouldn't have any problems.

PS. If you stay you're gonna start talking to yourself if you haven't already. Things you wanna say to her but dont because its not worth listening to her yap another half hour....or call the police or threaten you or make demands...I on! HIT THE ROAD JACK...AND DONT COME BACK !

PSS. My buddie pooped in the vents and turned the heat on 90 the day he left. LOL He was crazy though! GOOD LUCK MAN!!

DONT LISTEN TO ALL THESE OTHER GOOFY WOMEN ON HERE TELL YOU ABOUT COURT AND WHAT NOT....ITS A CIVIL MATTER. You lived together. Trust me been there done that too. Dont sweat it.

- Sondra - 02-28-2013 12:54 AM

Move out already. She's crazy to be dating a guy who makes a punie salary.