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Best Friend's Over Protective Boy Friend? - Kimori - 02-28-2013 12:40 AM

Alright so I met my best friend (lets call her Haley) about 2 or 3 years ago and we hang out quite a bit. Shes only a few years older than me, shes Bisexual and shes had her boyfriend/fiance for about 6 years She met him back in high school and he asked her to merry her after there fist or second year.

Anyway, a few weeks ago her boyfriend (lets call him Kevin) told her to tell me that I shouldn't be hugging her as much and that he doesn't feel comfortable with it. Me and her are usually very cuddly people but respecting his comfort level I backed off. And now last weekend she told me that he didn't want me touching her at all (once again this was indirect.) Haley was upset and we both agreed that we wouldn't hug or anything around him. I was going to be staying the whole weekend but on Saturday morning he said that he wanted to come over. I was completely okay with it and Ive hung-out with him before. But later in the day Kevin told Haley that he didn't want to see me and I had to go home. My parents were out of town and I had to search for a ride for 3 hours. I went home that night.

And now Its starting to bug the crap out of me because what is he going to say next that we cant see each other? This is ridiculous.So I went online and check twitter and found some comments leading up to the indecent

"My job sucks so bad."
"My mood is getting so sour"
"So, lately I've found reasons to not like one of my friends recently and I don't regret it."
"And I'm more upset than anything because I feel like I've been pushed away because said friend is spending more time with who I want to see."
"And I can't do a fucking thing about it, because either person simply doesn't get it. Whatever."

Of course I dont get it! You've never said anything about it to me directly what am I supposed to do?
I only come over to her house about once a month! Jez your engaged to her what more could you want? What are you so worried about you get to spend the rest of your lives together!

He told her he wont be like this when there married but to be honest I think its going to get worse.

I dont know what to do.
I dont want to lose my best friend.

- Selina - 02-28-2013 12:49 AM

Maybe you should try and have a quiet worth with 'Haley' because she might be happy about the situation either, she sounds like she is afraid of him, because I don't hear that she's has stood up to him and said 'no! I won't'. Don't try to confront the boyfriend, he sounds like a bully

- Jocelyn - 02-28-2013 12:52 AM

I think you really have to talk about this with 'Kevin'. Don't be afraid to express your feelings, and tell him how much his actions have affected you. It seems like hes more possessive and possibly jealous than over-protective. Talk to him and tell him that you've tried to back down because you understood him at first but things are getting out of hand and tell him how much you're hurting from all of this. Hopefully you guys can come to some sort of compromise. But firstly you have to try to make him understand that there should be no reason for him to be jealous of your relationship with Haley. Does 'Haley' truly know how you feel about all of this? Talk to her about it as well and let her know how much you've been affected by all of this and tell her how much your friendship with her means to you and you don't want it to change because of 'Kevin'. Let her know that you do understand where he might be coming from because it seems like you do. If she understands hopefully she can talk to Kevin about it and if things still don't change, unfortunately theres nothing you can do about it. After you talked to Haley about it and if things still don't change that might just been she chose her relationship with 'Kevin' over your friendship, or that your friendship is important but not as important as her relationship with Kevin. To be honest these kind of things are normal when friends go into relationships as relationships are more time consuming and than regular friendships and quite often you will see friends growing more distant with their friends because they now put the majority of their focus on their boyfriend or girlfriend. It sucks, but if the relationship is what Haley chooses, the only real thing you can do is just be happy for her. Good luck!