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How do you delete a twitter acount? - Printable Version

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How do you delete a twitter acount? - chartenney - 10-12-2012 07:58 AM

I made a twitter acount and i desperately need to delete it how do I?

- enterprise - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM

why delete it? I am thinking of starting an account. would love to find out why you want to delete it.
if you think it is interfering with your productivity level - go ahead and get rid of it.

- punyeye170 - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM


â‘´-.-Log in to

⑵-.-clιcĸ Settings,

⑶-.-clιcĸ Delete My Account at bottom, confirm it, and...done

Problems? Submit a request
and Support team will help you out.

Ӈave a greaт day!!!!...

- bookluver109 - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM

First, log into twitter.

Click 'settings' (at the top of the page).

Click 'Delete account' (at the bottom of the page).

- Roger - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM

Click on the blue addy and it will help.
have a great day

- nycgirl - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM

haha you got a twitter account!!

- BodyByChocolates - 10-12-2012 08:06 AM

Twitter is the absolute best social network available. The problem is that most people do not understand how to use it. It is not Twitter that makes Twitter cool but the 3rd party apps that do the job.

I made and deleted 3 Twitter accounts before I finally decided to go forth and conquer with my @BodyByChocolate profile. I found that if I took time to understand Twitter it is really a very powerful tool. In 6 months I went from 0 to the top 1% of Twitter using the strategies that I employed. I'd be glad to help you understand Twitter better if you like.

As far as deleting it? You've already been given that answer but here it is again.

Bottom of that page there is a link that reads "delete my account." I'll guarantee you that this link is something I will not be clicking any time soon.

I'll choose links like
* ITweet (Good for referencing extended conversations)
* TweetDeck (Good for following "@'s" & "DM's"
* Twitter Grader (Good for seeing how your keywords are doing)

May you choose the right link for you and enjoy.

The Body By Chocolate Man