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What should i do about this? - Anthony - 02-28-2013 12:45 AM

Ahh so i guess like 2 and a half months back i was dating this girl, i guess we kinda jumped into things not knowing where we would end up. I was real happy with the whole thing, but eventually she broke up with me. She ends up moving away in a very dramatic fashion because she got expelled from school and now everyday i think of messaging her, texting her but i feel like there is no use she either just shuts down my messages by somehow relating herself to a Bitc* or straight up not responding. When we first meet we were in love then slowly i learned who she really was and how crazy things were in her life im pretty much over her, i still really care for her but i really wanna know what i should do from this point on with our whatever its called friendship.

whatever feedback helps. thanks

- Jasmyn Gomez - 02-28-2013 12:50 AM

I'm a girl and usually when I don't text a guy back its because I don't like him, he texts me way to much, or its boring and awkward. Not saying it could be this in your case. In her eyes if she sees herself as a bitch, no matter how much you say she's not or tell her how amazing she is she won't believe you. One person saying a bunch of nice things doesn't take away the pain of a bunch of people saying mean things. She has issues she needs to work through. Be there for her but if she doesn't want you then you should move on to avoid yourself getting hurt.

- ferb&kel - 02-28-2013 12:56 AM

Well honestly she does kinda sound like a b**** . Don't spend your time worrying about it yea you'll probably still Care but you should try to transfer that care into something else. I would just be like well that was fun while it lasted. Next time don't fall so hard so fast. I'm gonna assume you're in high school - I may be wrong but that's what I'm getting- and in high school you never know who's together but everybody always falls in love so fast. Love doesn't happen that fast. I say worry about something else going on in your life.

- Grace Ann - 02-28-2013 01:02 AM

I've never had a friend who moved away. However, my friend has some issues like that, where she got expelled and had to go to a different school. But a lot of things were going on in her life. Whenever possible my friends, still in the same school as me, would often text her. We don't say much. We often send little sayings of encouragement. Simple things that would brighten someone's day. You don't need to send a well thought out message, but if you know what's going on you could play a game via text.

You can simply send her a text saying:
Would you like to play a word of the day game?

If she says yes. Then each day is a new word. So the first day you could do something like: friends. Then underneath you write a little sentence with the word in it. Then she would write a sentence back using the word.
The next day she picks the word, and so it goes. At least until one of you wants to actually talk about something. You could also phrase your sentence into a question too to see how she is doing.

It's just something my friends and I do for our friend who got expelled at our school. She often says it brightens her day to know we still think of her.

Good Luck, with your "whatever its called friendship".

- something fishy - 02-28-2013 01:09 AM

hey anthony,

you need to let the drama and baggage go and you need and deserve a better girl in your life..

of course you care for fell in love and even if she does not like you your heart you want her safe and good things for her...but face it she is a chocolate mess that you can not clean up

and overall you deserve better....know this in your heart!

now tomorrow when you go to class...say hi and make eye contact with 3-4 girls in each class...start talking to them...and soon you will find someone that has their act together and be delighted to have you in their life...

but this time not fall in love so fast...true love takes time

move forward for you...good things are yet to come....delete her from any social media accounts and do not call or text or answer her....when she comes to her senses...she'll be calling/crawling back...but you can do better than that...and you will have moved forward

like you already have

good luck


- Yvonne - 02-28-2013 01:14 AM

Well I think you should leave her alone, and next time before you jump into things you get to know the people you getting involve with, cause all that glitters is not gold, and another Thing book and Girls don't mix, one I'll get love and the other I'll get left. you need to stay away from her if she want you to know where she is she will let you know. you out! stay out for your sake, cause being expelled from school, that alone tell you what type of person she is.