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If love and hate collided in your heart, what would you do? - Printable Version

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If love and hate collided in your heart, what would you do? - Cool - 02-28-2013 01:56 AM

If you loved someone, but there are certain characteristics of that someone that you hate like she likes to say something bad almost all the time and attack others on any social media. You have tried to tell her to stop it like thousands of time, but she keeps doing it and it makes the feeling of love and hate collide in your heart. What would you do?

- AJS - 02-28-2013 02:00 AM

Take a vacation from them.

- Tammy Crawford - 02-28-2013 02:03 AM

Just ask her like, why do you have to talk so mean all the time? Why are you so hateful? like that, just ask her. And then if she keeps doing it after that, if you are good, and I mean good, she won't want to lose you, so don't like dump her, but just be like, alright, I'm not going to hang out with you today or tonight or whenever it is, if you're just going to keep talking like that, eventually she'll stop!

- Braveheart - 02-28-2013 02:08 AM

i wud listen to this song...


ok let me get this and hate her at the same time.....that isnt possible
u love her..but hate certain things she does.. thats possible

hmmm.,,i quess love wud take the upper hand with me cuz when u love someone u a
love him as he is..,,, i wud try to help him improve him self in the areas where he needs help ..but i wud love him just the same

but i quess that depends on the importance /severity of the things u hate...what a person can tolerate another cant,,so u have to judge for urself....if what she is doing is tolerable to ur standards of right or wrong or not.

btw..people never change for others....what she is doing now she will continue to do...dont hope that she will change for the better for ur sake Sad .no one changes...except if they WANT to change...
otherwise it is a lost cause.

- Ptolemy - 02-28-2013 02:15 AM

Follow your heart, but listen to your hate. I'd say your best bet is communication. If your going to end up breaking up with her for this than what have you got to lose from talking to her and trying to resolve it right! If she is worth it and 'really' likes you she will try to stop what is upsetting you.