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My girlfriend pays more attention to social networking than me? - Printable Version

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My girlfriend pays more attention to social networking than me? - Connor - 02-28-2013 02:26 AM

So like this isn't really a big deal but here we go:
My girlfriend got Instagram and shit like last year and she always updates it with funny pics ad stuff and I really don't mind it. The problem is that ever since she made it, she never sends me anything and I really feel ignored
;/ for some reason it drives me crazy and I look on her Instagram periodically and it makes me upset Sad I told her about it like three times and blehh she never listens so should I just give it? Or what?

- LoverGirl - 02-28-2013 02:35 AM

Forget her. Dont be with anyone that doesnt put u as their first priority

- Cyrus - 02-28-2013 02:42 AM

my friend dont be fooled
she must be on porn sites most of the time
ps the other site is a cover up

- unknown - 02-28-2013 02:50 AM

Try talking to her again. Explain that you feel like you are being ignored by her and you need more attention in a relationship. She should respect your needs.

- faithfulframe006 - 02-28-2013 02:55 AM

It's called addiction and neglect.

- Madam M - 02-28-2013 02:56 AM

You should talk to her about this and if she continues, dump her.

- Brandon - 02-28-2013 03:06 AM

white girl problems.

- Harry - 02-28-2013 03:14 AM

are u happy in this relationship ? were u happy in this relationship ? would u be happier not being huge up on thinking about the situation ? heres an idea - take a pic of u and her , make an instagram profil upload it and make it all pretty and everything ? send it to her Tongue if she doesnt appreciate it then honestly shes not worth it ......

- Sarah - 02-28-2013 03:18 AM

Try talking to her one more time. Explain how it makes you feel and tell her that you don't want her to quit using Instagram, but manage her time better. If she continues to put Instagram first or during your conversation doesn't seem to listen or care, find someone who puts you first. Good luck.