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Why does this make me so angry? - Printable Version

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Why does this make me so angry? - Theme57 - 02-28-2013 02:58 AM

ok so I confronted that girl about deleting me on facebook and lying to me about it. I ask he why and she says I just did while laughing because the guy next to her made a joke so she wasnt too serious and just kind of brushing it off like I wasnt worth her effort. This really pisses me off and I end up going outside and tossing my backpack around to release a bit of tension, but am still very irritated for the majority of the class we have together (5 hour class we dont sit near each other). Then during my explanation of a play I read to the class, she was looking down twiddling her hair ignoring me unlike the rest of the group. Now the reason why this irritates me is because I would have been fine if she told me up straight that she blocked me whether or not she had a reason, but because she gave me a nonchalant lie is what got me. Now throughout my childhood (19 years old now) I have had this happen to me many times where people, friends and family would lie the same way and then all of a sudden they were gone and I was alone being ignored.

Now my question is why does this make me so angry? I know I have reason too in a sense, but usually I can brush it off or control it.

I think its because 1) she looks similiar, walks and has a lot of traits like one of my ex's that i had a very very bad breakup with; 2) the trauma from over my life dealing with people doing that to me sets me off, brining old memories and feelings back almost like PTSD; 3) something else im not aware of.
Its not the defriend that matters, I could really care less about that. Its the fact of the lie.
As far as what I did, all I did was say hi to her on FB, she said she was at work and I told her I would talk to her later. Next day I am blocked.

- Ralson - 02-28-2013 03:05 AM

Dude it's called being rejected. Get over it. Your going to get a lot of that in your life. Just move on with your life. There will be more important things to worry about in your future then a simple facebook de-friend.

- Alicia - 02-28-2013 03:11 AM

If this type of anger or frustration is happening semi frequently or about other things you should see a doctor because anger issues or mood swings manifest around twenty. Now, if it is just this subject then I can understand your frustration. If you have been messed with your whole life then this specific girl, looking like your ex and being an all around beezy, could just simply piss you off. Nothing is more frustrating than being blocked for no freakin reason. Her disrespect during your presentation on the back of the blocking bs could have just pissed you off. Getting pissed is normal especially with underlying issues from growing up, what should be addressed is how you handle it. If you really get out of your mind pissed and cant calm yourself down, that along with childhood stuff may justify seeing a counsler to teach you some anger coping skills. Hope this helps!

- Madame M - 02-28-2013 03:20 AM

From what I've read, the male brain has major problems handling disrespect.

The lie is a form of disrespect in your mind, but it's possible you did something on facebook that *she* read as disrespect. She's uncomfortable confronting you with it, which is where the hair-twiddling comes in. She's not ignoring you, I don't think. She's trying to hide from you.

You'd do best just to let it go, and tell your lizard brain that she's not disrespecting you.

A lot of women have issues with men where they would prefer not to confront them directly -- they may be afraid of violence, or bad-mouthing. So, they take the weak way out, and try and laugh things off. I think you'll just have to learn to read that as being a weak way of avoiding you. Pity, and move on.