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How to get her attention without annoying her!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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How to get her attention without annoying her!!!!!!!? - Micheal - 02-28-2013 03:03 AM

So there's this beautiful girl that I've liked for about 5 months now. I just don't know if she's interested in me. We don't go to the same schools and BARELY EVER see eachother. And I'm not even that close with her. I texted her a couple times like 2 weeks ago and she didn't reply. And I don't have the balls to text her again cause I have a feeling I might be annoying her. I really really like her and care about her, I just can't tell her. I REALLY need help! I know her instagram and Facebook and twitter, but I don't talk to her on those either. I really need to grow a pair Tongue rofl but please guys and girls I really need a way to get her attention. And also, recently I've been dreaming about her, and I can't get her off my mind. I really don't know what to do:\

- HD B - 02-28-2013 03:11 AM

you are annoying her
you have to be cool and get her attention
none of that nice guy stuff
she wants someone exciting and real
imagine a pornstar wearing a zebra coat and crocadile pants
now your getting it

- ashley - 02-28-2013 03:11 AM

Just try talking to her friends, rather best friend. tell him/her how you feel about her, ask him/her to explain it to her rather than you personally going to her and proposing. Once she gets to know how you feel about her, her mind would not be the same as it is now. She would think about you and be confused what she could do for you. After some days or weeks even a month would not be an issue, just inbox her saying I always feel I might be annoying you but I really can't take my mind off you..... and so on. Wait till she replies. I feel she would! Then just talk very normal stuffs. Get to know better. try being a friend of her's at first. then build up your relationship. Overtime, once she gets to know you well, then propose to her. I have a strong feeling she would accept you! All the best!! =)


- D.L. - 02-28-2013 03:11 AM

Sometimes being bold is the best route to take, otherwise you will never know where you stand with her. If she didn't reply to two texts, that could mean pretty much anything, so you need to go a step further. If she is on FB often, you could friend request her and see if she accepts. That could be the beginning of communication between the two of you. You have to start somewhere or you will always be wondering what could be.

- Tony - 02-28-2013 03:11 AM


I have been/was in a similar situation last semester. Stunning babe in one of my classes, instant crush "love at first sight" moment. I knew nothing about her but got this feeling like we were compatible; however as life has it, we could never find the time to talk to one another. Something always would come up. Well like you I one day sent her a message via email just to introduce myself. Same thing she didn't respond. I was pretty upset and thought of sending another message but more details or ask to talk to her after class.

That's when a friend told me, she had already given me an answer. By her not replying was a sign to say she's not interested. If she liked me she would have said something back.

Now that is just my story and that was my situation. Your situation is different than mine but similar (I'm guessing). I'm sorry to inform you but she probably isn't interested you should more than likely let this one go but learn from this experience!

So you may not have been able to talk to this girl but you may meet your future gf/wife tomorrow; all things lead you to where you are supposed to go. Perhaps this girl is the right person but not the right time for you guys to be together. If its meant to be then its meant to be.

Now when you are deciding on whether or not you should contact her again let your gut decide. Do you honestly think that by messaging her, that things will improve? Or do you feel that you should let her go? Be sure to take some time and be honest with yourself. Whatever your gut says is the right answer.