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I am an emotional wreck. Should I cut him out of my life? - Printable Version

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I am an emotional wreck. Should I cut him out of my life? - BRi - 02-28-2013 03:05 AM

I moved away from home about 7 months ago. I ended things with my fiance, almost 4 months ago, due to his unfaithfulness & lies. Since the break up I had been having a very hard time getting over things, facing depression, guilt & I was just very sad all together, some days I didn't even want to get out of bed. Through all of this cousin, whom I love more than anything was by my side throughout everything! Calling me everyday & just making sure that I was OK. Since moving away from town I have cut a lot of people out of my life, friends that were no good & even some family members. People who I felt were bringing me down. About a month ago a very close friend of mines brother wrote me & told me that my friend(his sister) & my ex had been having sex during our whole relationship. Of course I was devastated, but at that point I felt that I had come so far that I didn't want to go back. So I never confronted her or asked her if it was true. I just let it go & kept moving on. My cousin knew how bad that hurt me, & he kept telling me everyday to get over it & move on, & that there were both nothing, so I was. Today while I was on the phone with my cousin he tells me that he confronted my friend on facebook regarding the situation, I was furious!! I am a grown woman, not to mention that if I wanted to confront her I would of, it was my choice not to. I was so hurt! Of course she denied it, but I didn't even care, how could he do that, & it's been more than a month since we first found out about them being together, why would he wait so long to confront her! & why not ask me or come to me first & ask me if I was OK with it. I didn't want her to know that I was hurt, or sad or anything. I just wanted to move on! & now I feel as though I am going back once again, because now this is fresh on my mind once again! When I confronted my cousin as to why he did this, he just said "because I hate her" he hates her for his own reasons, so he should of confronted her regarding there

- Natalie - 02-28-2013 03:08 AM

regarding your cousin, he probably just needed an excuse to tell this girl off and he used your drama to start it, which was wrong on his part. However, he is trying to look out for you and he has been there for you 100% so I dont believe you should cut him out because of one mistake that he has done. If you keep cutting people out after one mistake, you will be left with no one but yourself. You are in a state where trust is a huge issue for you, I would have trust issues too if I went through this, however, What you need to do is explain to your cousin that you do not want him putting his nose into your business like that especially without confirming with you first. But you are right, his drama is his drama, he shouldn't be using your problems as an excuse to yell at someone.