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Dads ever grossed out by periods? Men? - Printable Version

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Dads ever grossed out by periods? Men? - Anoymus - 02-28-2013 03:38 AM

My best friend started her period when me and her were home alone and her mom went to go pick up her dad from work, I helped her through it told her a little bit about aunt flow (her mom mentioned the big parts) when they came back they had a box of pads. I asked her dad and mum how was there day and the dad said terrible, I asked why and he said that he's disgusted because his daughter had her period, are all dads like this or was it just him. How do men find out about this stuff other than there wife?

- 117asosmwe - 02-28-2013 03:46 AM

1.) its just him... what can i say BOYS ARE CRAZY!
2.) and men find out about this stuff usually in a health class they previously took or just with their parents... or maybe the discovered it at a young age.

and you're friends gonna be fine its not the end of the world here!

- Jay-Jay ♥ - 02-28-2013 03:55 AM

Wow, what a jerk!

No, not all dads or men are like this - most men are a lot more respectful of women's bodies than to consider women's bodies "disgusting" and understand that menstruation is a normal process. I'd also hope most dads aren't so horrible as to make young women feel negatively about their bodies.

Boys don't get nearly enough education on women's bodies, which is very wrong, worse still society via other women and media teaches us menstrual taboos e.g. menstruation being gross, dirty, smelly, embarrassing, inconvenient, shameful, etc. women tend to internalise these ideas more than men but men can pick-up these ideas too.

In my experience men still have less of an issue with menstruation than women...I did a bit of a social experiment a few years ago, for about a year I carried round a bag covered in menstrual activism badges; various slogans, images of tampons or menstrual cups, images of uterus, etc. - women on public transport would actually mumble and move away from me while giving me dirty looks, where as the men would not only stay sitting next to me but would actually openly engage in discussions about menstruation, asking for tips to help their girlfriends and saying how cool it was.

- anasimbd - 02-28-2013 03:58 AM

No. I am also a father, and I never feel like that, that is quite natural, and nothing "disgusting" about it. and I think there are some men who looks it in other way, but I would like to tell them it is quite natural and now in a advance day it is as normal as everything else. hope he/they will understand