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Any HELP On Reporting A Cyber Bully? - Printable Version

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Any HELP On Reporting A Cyber Bully? - ღHannah Marieღ - 02-28-2013 04:16 AM

I know you've probably heard this before. I cannot help but to try and get this resolved. It's a serious matter that I've already tried dealing with and I found out I cannot deal with It on my own. I've been cyber bullied over Facebook. and no I'm not always the victim in the situation. I try to stick up for myself. The first time this girl came after me over Facebook she got me really good. I had no idea what she was trying to do. At first I thought we were friends. And I thought that I could trust her. Well. It turns out that I should have never tried being friends with her. She's tried to get me to hurt myself before and the first time she did get through to me with her mean words, this took place a year ago. It's been since November of 2012 when she tried to upset me again. She's been calling me a bunch of names like "horn dog" , "loser", "ugly" she told me to die in a hole. Of course I did say something..What was I supposed to do let her bully me and make me feel worthless? Just a few days ago I had messaged her to stick up for myself again because I felt like If I didn't say something that I was just letting her get to me. Well, back to what happened a few days ago. The girl called me a nigga and told me the reason she hasn't blocked my fat ass self yet is because she and her family enjoy laughing at me. She stated that I was just jealous because she is beautiful. But I did reply, I said, I was beautiful, stunning, and gorgeous so why would I be jealous? She said no honey, you're not, that's why you have no boyfriend and that's why you don't get asked out. And her last words were telling me that I was ugly and a fat ass. I have no idea how to get her to stop her hate towards me. I've tried reporting to people but nothing can be done, and nobody wants to do anything about It. My family knows. My parents won't do anything. I was going to try and report It to the police officer at my school but nobody really wanted to. They said that there's no reason to. I tried to join an anti bullying website, that doesn't help either. Something needs to be done. This cannot go on. What should I do? I cannot just let It go. Sad

- JetDoc - 02-28-2013 04:23 AM

Facebook is NOT necessary to continue your life. Turn off the computer, get out of the house and GET A LIFE!

- Sophie© - 02-28-2013 04:27 AM

Block her and stop being overdramatic. Why haven't you blocked her?

- dan - 02-28-2013 04:30 AM

I've been cyberbullied lately, and what helps me is just to go out into the garden, feel the wind blowing, hear the birds tweeting and then realise that it's only the internet.

- Joey - 02-28-2013 04:36 AM

you could block her. you could ignore her. you could stop using facebook. you could just unfriend her. you can make it to where anyone who is not a friend can message you. FACEBOOK IS A SOCIAL NETWORK YOU DONT NEED FACEBOOK TO LIVE YOUR LIFE. you have many options

- Nayeli - 02-28-2013 04:41 AM

They said there is no reason to? Every year teens are driven to suicide because of bullying. Talk to a local prosecuter/ the police. They should be able to do something. If they say they can't then ask about harassment. You do need to tell her to not contact you anymore to press harassment charges. I think its ridiculous that people allow their children to act like this!