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Choice which decides future job, HELP!? - Printable Version

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Choice which decides future job, HELP!? - Anonymousguyderp - 02-28-2013 04:25 AM

Hello, I'm 15 years old and I'm about to pick which gymnasium I want to go to. I'm balancing between a movie gymnasium which teaches about how to film, direct, edit, sound so on and a normal gymnasium with the basic choices, mine is Science with a few Social science subjects. In Sweden we call it Naturvetenskap inriktning samhälle. The latter is a more wide education which gives me the ability to pick between a lot of different jobs. The thing is, in the future I want to live in England and not only is it hard getting a job as anyone involved in filming but it's also hard to find such a job when moving to another country.

How should I choose between the two? I really want to work with films but I equally as much want to live in England. If it's not possible to do both I'd say I would rather want to live in England because I can't stand Sweden because of the cold winters. On top of that, if I were to choose the education with wider range, is there any jobs alike the following?:

Using computers, not having to work with long boring documents and such, having some sort of cooperation with the people around you, fun, paying well and the possibility of getting payed very well?

For example journalism, both of my parents are journalists and even if they have things they have to do, it's fun and they have a great atmosphere with the people around them. It's also fairly easy and interesting.

I know that sounds a bit much but please try to answer it. Tongue

- Wilma Swe - 02-28-2013 04:29 AM

I think you should choose your program according to your main areas of interest and not worry too much about where you'll be working, because it's easier to get higher grades when you're doing things you like, and easier to get a job if you're confident and like what you're doing. You can't move abroad until you're 18 anyway, so you might as well enjoy those three years as much as possible. Having hands-on skills such as movie making is easier to sell on the job market than so many points of Geography, History or Maths.. .Ideally, you should get some work experience in Sweden in your chosen field before going abroad, or at least have some projects of yours to show any would-be employer.

Alternatively, you might want to look into the social sciences program (Samhäll) with media focus. Make sure to include lots of English, find a school with an exchange program where you do some of the time in the UK, or alternatively take a term or two of English at Uni, anything to learn better English than the average Swede! See below for examples.

Working in the UK is generally harder than in Sweden, so you can expect less pay, less holidays etc, but if you're desperate, just go to London (where most of the job opportunities are), find yourself any menial job (hotels/restaurants etc), be prepared to work hard and be poor for a while, and look/ask around at local employment agencies, job centres, appropriate companies, knock on doors, and in the meantime, enjoy being in London! Who knows what you'll find when you put your mind to it? You won't find your dream job straight away, and you will definitely not find it from Sweden!