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Do you think Youtube benefitted political discussion? - Printable Version

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Do you think Youtube benefitted political discussion? - Okay - 02-28-2013 04:34 AM

Do you think Youtube or Facebook or Twitter, have any benefits for democracy and the government?

Or do you think these social media sites have warped people so much that they couldn't care less about politics?

- the singer - 02-28-2013 04:44 AM

Yes. I do. I think it gives a sort of modern twist to voting and elections. I know I use youtube to check out political subjects.

- Franco Potanco - 02-28-2013 04:49 AM

Hard to say, since I don't use "media bites" as anything even close to what I use for the basis of my political opinions... I'd say the increased access to information about what politicians think and say can only be considered a positive for a more responsive political arena... however, that requires the belief that most of America is a thinking, deliberative, body when it comes to politics... however, blaming youtube for a more divisive country is like blaming the hearse for the death of American political discussion... in the end, more information is good, if you can't correctly decipher information, it's your own fault .

- Masterrecess289 - 02-28-2013 04:53 AM

While some did help, especially in the areas of Youtube and Facebook; overall they were a drawback.

These issues are simply too big to be handled with 140 characters or less. Twitter in particular, but Youtube and Facebook as well, force us to think in bumper sticker mentality where "Obama is a Socialist" or "Bushit" are the most advanced arguments one can really make. You never have to think, and in fact thinking is discouraged by the fact that thinking means you have too many letters to fit your ideas.

No proof is ever given, because no proof can be given. That is why there are so many completely misinformed people out there.

- tagsmommy32 - 02-28-2013 05:00 AM

I see them more as resources. If I want to know about something I ask what they have seen heard or read and people send me information on articles and interviews they have seen. I go to look the stuff over and form my own opinion. It makes me care more because I have better understanding.

- squareWizard888 - 02-28-2013 05:03 AM

Youtube is definitely good for proving points and providing evidence straight from the horses mouth. Like how sarah palin was 100% for health care to college students, and people who were jobless because of the bad economy. That was before she lost.