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Why does the European Union want particular types of mass immigration from outwith the E.U? - Printable Version

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Why does the European Union want particular types of mass immigration from outwith the E.U? - SID SNOTT. - 02-28-2013 04:35 AM

That particular type of mass immigration from outwith the E.U is for the most part Islamic migration, and not skilled people who speak the language of the particular country the migrants arrive in for example Sweden or France or indeed here in the United kingdom.

Why would our so called ruling elites want to import millions of people who are the antithisis of the culture that hosts them, we share no language, beleifs or anything with these people and it has already lead to conflict in every nation where these people have arrived in, who is in control of this disastrous and wreckless and stupid social engineering project that will most probably lead to a bloody civil and religious war in contentental Western Europe and here in the UK, what is the purpose of this migration, and why is barely mentioned within the media outlets of Europe and the World?
EDIT@ 203: You know precisely what i am asking about here, and any person who is at least a little switched on knows there is a lot of wrongdoing afoot with regards to this subject matter, as for evidence, we just need to walk around any large sized town or big city across Western Europe or indeed the UK for proof, as we wont get much from the controlled medir now will we!
EDIT@ 203: You know precisely what i am asking about here, and any person who is at least a little switched on knows there is a lot of wrongdoing afoot with regards to this subject matter, as for evidence, we just need to walk around any large sized town or big city across Western Europe or indeed the UK for proof, as we wont get much from the controlled medir now will we!
EDIT@ 203: You know precisely what i am asking about here, and any person who is at least a little switched on knows there is a lot of wrongdoing afoot with regards to this subject matter, as for evidence, we just need to walk around any large sized town or big city across Western Europe or indeed the UK for proof, as we wont get much from the controlled medir now will we!
Rodger the cabin boy, so typing a question on a public forum about an important and relevant subject matter and issue means i am in an uncontrollable rage? Aye Aye Cap'n.

- 203 - 02-28-2013 04:39 AM

Can you provide details of an official EU source for your claims...

- babanz - 02-28-2013 04:45 AM

Good point; I think most of these immigrants especially from islamic countries exploit democracy in order to impose their religion and ways of life and yes it's causing major problems which most people seem to appease and don't consider the dangers

- nlv - 02-28-2013 04:46 AM

As far as I'm aware is they just want any immigration to undermine National homogeneity.

"The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said."

- Jollyclam785 - 02-28-2013 04:55 AM

because they've seen the uncontrollable rages that mass immigration causes in people like you and it looks funny