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How can i get rid of my guilt for not joining the army? - Printable Version

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How can i get rid of my guilt for not joining the army? - CCP - 02-28-2013 05:02 AM

So i was watching the recruit and ranger training and i always here people talking about their experiences. I dotn have any friends here so i was thinking to get out and experience something new id join the army. Then i figured out you had a 4-5 year contract and i really didnt want to stay for that long. Also i talked to my mom about it and she didnt allow it. Also sometimes people come back with problems and cant get any help. I feel like after the first year it'd just be counting down to when i get to leave .

So ultimately i decided not to join. But whenever i see my my facebook frineds who are in the army post stuff theyre doing and saying how happy they are they got through training i get a little jealous and feel guilty. like one day someones gonna talk down to me because i didnt join the army.

How can i get over this guilt? I also feel like its peer pressure in my own mind now forcing me to join the army. Any tips on getting past it
@dan yes she said i could do it but if i wanted to i would. Also im worried that alot of the soldiers will be A$$es like you

- RaNdOm - 02-28-2013 05:06 AM

You don't need to feel guilty about it. There are plenty of ways to help your community and nation other than joining the military

- jed - 02-28-2013 05:07 AM

That is not guilt it jealosy. Missing out. Its simple. Your an adult im guessing so figure out what you want do and just do it. At some point your options get limited so soul search. Its your life and no one can tell you how to live it but yourself.

- Dan H - 02-28-2013 05:10 AM


You say you talked with your mommy about it...but "...she didnt allow it."

Come back when you ball drop and you get a deep voice.

Really? Mom won't let you go into the military? Are you over 18? And yeah...real adults are willing to do a 4 year contract....did you think you'd just do 6 months and go home?

If it's guilt you're feeling, it's guilt at being too much of a pu$$y to stand up for your sorry @ss.