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how can i get rid of a virus that facebook has sent me? - Printable Version

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how can i get rid of a virus that facebook has sent me? - eminem-is-sexy<3 - 02-28-2013 05:21 AM

i recently did that fancheck,but have now been told its a virus and since then my laptops been slow and freezing alot, i still have alot of memory left so its not like itd be running slow cuz of the memory being full.
please help.


- Adam S - 02-28-2013 05:26 AM

Run your virus scanner...

- Tim M - 02-28-2013 05:35 AM

buy a security cd.

- stanley - 02-28-2013 05:39 AM

Run this anti malware program:

Install it and do a full system scan.

That should solve you problems.

I'd also try out

- Samantha - 02-28-2013 05:48 AM

MOST infections can be cleaned yourself by following the following steps.

Download the following tools (Some malware will attempt to block your access to antimalware sites so you may have to download these from a different computer and copy them to a transferable media (flashdrive, cdr/dvdr, thumb drive...)

Malwarebytes -
Superantispyware -

Boot your computer into “Safe Mode” by pressing F8 as soon as the windows logo appears (You have to be quick).

Once you are in safe mode install MalWareBytes and run a full scan of your computer (Once again some malware attempts to prevent you from installing and using tools that remove the virus so If you are unable to install MalWareBytes Rename the file “MBAM.EXE” to something else. I typically name it “xxxxx.exe” )

After MalWareBytes has finished and cleaned what it found then install and run SuperAntiSpyWare.

There are some malware that cannot be removed from SafeMode if the machine is infected. This is often the case with rootkits as they compromise the kernel or core 'critical' system files. For those situations you will need to boot into a clean image to perform the virus removal. There are a few ways to do this I typically use a clean boot CD such as UBCD4WIN or Knoppix or the Avira AntiVir Rescue CD or the Kaspersky Rescue CD. Knoppix is Linux Based and has a lot of utilities and tools for fixing your computer from all sorts of problems. The other three options are Windows Based. UBCD4WIN has a lot of tools for system maintenance. The other two are specifically designed for virus removal using two very good anti-virus programs. All 4 are excellent choices and I carry all 4 with me as they each have their own strengths.