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I have a mental block with homework/school!! HELP!? - Printable Version

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I have a mental block with homework/school!! HELP!? - Lights - 02-28-2013 05:37 AM

I have a mental block with homework, HELP!?
Ive always had a problem with homework...As soon as I get home I try doing anything and everything besides my homework, and I don't do it, or wait till last second. If I say Im going to do it, I stare at it, and end up doing something else.

But I changed to doing online school and ....Its like doing HW 24/7
Because Im at home and there are other options to do like facebook ect.
So when I have alot of school that Im behind in,I just don't do it, I procrastinate and I dont know how to stop. This was a HUGE problem last semester. I got bad grades because I got so badly behind.

I need to change this ASAP. This week I got behind because of an essay...and Its like a domino effect. Now im a couple days behind in everything and I cant just do it!!!!


- Katherine - 02-28-2013 05:39 AM

im the same way. you may have add/adhd, which was my problem. try going to take a test to see if you are, and if you are there are meds to help you focus. theyre super helpful

- . - 02-28-2013 05:41 AM

-Delete your facebook
-Delete you tumblr
-Listen to music on the way home not at home
- Bring food to your room
-Whatever habit you get into after school try to prevent it from ever happening again even if you dont have hw.

- Hawkflight - 02-28-2013 05:51 AM

You clearly lack self discipline and so you need a teacher/parent to stand over you and MAKE you do your work. I am exactly the same - I never do my work until I have to, and if I can get away with it I don't do it at all. And I know it's not an illness or a condition or adhd. It's LAZINESS! I am lazy. I don't want to work, I want to play. You are the same. Face up to the truth and deal with it.

So - get your mom to block EVERYTHING on your computer except the sites you need for work. Computers come with parental controls and if you can get around them your mom needs to get software you can't cheat.

NO tv in your room where you work.

NO music to play around with.

NO IPod.

NO Cellphone.

NO books magazines or anything distracting. Only text books.

And you don't come out of that room until all your work is done. It's that simple. If you can't make yourself behave you need to have all your options for avoiding work removed and no amusements allowed until you prove to your mom that you have done your work. You have to admit to your parents that you need them on your case the whole time or you won't do any work. They need to come in regularly and demand to see what you've done so far, and they need to set you a timetable and penalties for not keeping up. Yes - that's treating you like a little kid - but if you can't exercise self discipline they will have to treat you like one.

Incidentally - you will be like this all your life. It's a personality type. I'm 54 now and I get nothing done because I'm too busy putting it off and messing about on the pc instead. Without supervision I achieve very little. But for me it doesn't matter - I'm not trying to pass exams and get a career. You are. Unless you WANT to spend your life in an entry level job with minimum pay while all your friends graduate, go to college and get good jobs. Believe me - you won't like it if your friends cousins and siblings get degrees and careers and you don't. It's extremely embarrassing and depressing.