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Can you report an anonymous person to the police from Facebook? - Printable Version

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Can you report an anonymous person to the police from Facebook? - Susie Day - 02-28-2013 06:48 AM

There is this guy that has been trying to contact me through various different fake accounts off and on for 5 months now. He has been threatening for money and demanding my time with him. I havent done anything because i thought he had stopped harassing me after i deleted my facebook. Well he added my sis with another fake account asking about me and how he can contact me and starting adding random people off my Facebook even though it was deactivated. He has told me he is a professional hacker. Well what im trying to figure out is if the police can trace this guy through his IP address since i do not know who this person is, where this person is from etc. I just need him to stop harassing me. I contacted Facebook and they cant do anything for me. I am going to file a report about this to the police tomorrow but needing some peace of mind in the mean time since office hours are closed for the criminal investigation department. Is there really a way they can track this stalker down?

- CoalmineCanary - 02-28-2013 06:49 AM

they can trace him yes. the key is to prove that he is stalking you, especially threatening you. image capture everything on your facebook from this person, save it all on your computer, so you can show the police. the police are unlikely to be able to get a warrant to track him without probable cause. so you need to show them this probable cause, because our IP addresses are considered private information which is contractually obligated to remain private from our providers. that is our providers cannot provide our IP addresses without a warrant. once you have that warrant, its easy for the police to track him, unless he truly is an advanced hacker. then he might be smart enough to use other means to hide his address.

- freedom fighter - 02-28-2013 06:58 AM

make police reports with all the fake account information, statement, comments..see what the police will advise you to do..

- Frank - 02-28-2013 07:06 AM

its probably somebody you now
the cops will not be interested

just keep away from Social media for a few months

- dooopo - 02-28-2013 07:13 AM

Just block the fake ones. The cops cant do anything with out the judge ordering a search warrant so they can locate the ip address location. Its not illegal to make a fake profile you can even make fake profiles using peoples pics that you know pretending to be them as long as you don't do it to cause slander such as saying you have aids to make people think the person actually has aids.

You can make your profile so only friends can message you if you want.

And they are hundreds if not thousands of web sites you can use free to block your IP.