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How to get my best friends back? - Someone - 02-28-2013 07:11 AM

I have never been this depressed. I've literally stopped eating. I've only taken a few sips of water. I've been sleeping all day. I can't even remember much of what happened today. I'm so weak. I feel numb. All I want to do is die. I'm considering it and I need to stop, but I feel awful. This is the worst I have ever felt. I just want this feeling to go away.
I don't even know how to start, but both of my best friends are mad at me, and I don't know what to do. They have been tweeting about me, saying, "You screwed up everything," things like that. But I don't know how or what I did. One of my best friends, (I don't want to use the real name) Tina, had been acting weird latley so I asked her what was wrong and I sent her a long paragraph about how I felt like we were drifting. She didn't say much, but it was enough to make me think. She said, "I wish I could tell you.. I know we are drifting. There's a reason though and I can't say cause I made a promise. I'm not gonna break that this time." More was said, and I said that not telling me was completely fine. But I know that someone told her something. I asked her if anyone had told her anything and she said, "I'm just assuming." But if you only assumed, why would you get so worked up about it if you didn't know? She asked me so many questions like, "Tell me the truth, have you ever called me a bad name?" Things like that. I told her no, I don't recall calling you a bad name. But then I thought about it for a second. I had called her bad names. But in the past when she was making me mad. I didn't tell her though. I don't know how.
My other friend, Linda (once again, not using the real name), was acting fine and happy with me. We run at a park every Sunday (or we try to), and this time she said, "I don't know if I can go any more :/". The way she was texting was not the way she usually texts. I asked her, "How come though?" She said, "Nana and Poppy (her grandparents) are taking me and Patton somewhere cause they're coming in town for his birthday dinner." We run in the morning, so why couldn't she run and then go like she ran and then went to a concert? It was confusing. I went on Twitter, and I saw she tweeted something. She said, "You think you know someone who would never say anything about you, and then they go on your biggest insecurity." Then I realized she was mad at me. But I don't remember talking bad about her, especially about her insecurities. So I texted her. I said, "Are you okay? I saw your tweet." She said, "Yeah I'm okay.. I've just heard things I wish I never heard tonight" and I asked what they were. She said, "It's fine it was nothing worth repeating just things that I never expected to hear. I said I was sorry and she said it was okay. I told her if there's anything I could do let me know and she said she would and said thank you, so I said you're welcome, and that was it. Nothing else. She didn't reply. I went on Twitter and her and Tina were both tweeting and favoriting the tweets about me. But I still don't know what I did.
All of this makes me want to end my life. I don't know how to fix it. They are two of the most important things in my life. I love them no matter what. I know they both talked bad about me and called me names in the past, but I left it alone. I didn't confront them about anything. I just don't know how to say sorry for something I don't know what I did. But all I'm asking is for advice and to help me and how to appologize. Thank you.

- Revliun Studiosâ„¢ - 02-28-2013 07:18 AM

I wish I can help you, but I honestly can't. Just try to ask your friends why they're angry at you. Once you get hold of the problem, try to fix it. Sorry for having the most stupidest answer, but I honestly don't know how I can help you more.

- Sean - 02-28-2013 07:26 AM


I'm not to sure if Linda is mad at you directly, It seems like she's more mad about something else. Or sad. I don't think that's directly towards you.


The only thing I can tell you is to talk to them directly, in person. Apologize for your mistakes and ask for forgiveness from them.

I may be wrong, but from reading this it feels like it's not the fact that they're mad at you, but it's more that you don't exactly know what you did. I think that even if things don't become the same, talking to them will give you some needed closure.

Email me if you need to talk more, i'll try my best to answer. Stay strong.

- Kaitlin - 02-28-2013 07:28 AM

Okay, first off, you. You can jeopardize your health because of a misunderstanding or fight between your friends or anybody for that matter. You can't let anything get to you. The world is a cruel place and if you let every little thing get to you, you'll eventually break. And that is not what you want - even if you think so right now. If there's one thing you need to understand about friendship is that you can be on the verge of being strangers and practically be sisters the next day. Things come between friends all of the time, but you eventually work through it. Always. Don't lose hope and don't stress about it. If things don't work out, that's the way things are going to be. And maybe that would be for the best, you don't need people in your life who make you feel the way you do now. Nobody deserves to feel hated or betrayed, no matter what they have done in the past. Keep your head up and go get some comfort food.

Secondly, Tina. You MUST tell her that you may have called her bad names before. If she knows you have then she knows you're lying and that there is going to slowly destroy your friendship. If you tell her the truth and explain that you were mad when calling her bad names, everything should be fine. But do not, I repeat, DO NOT use being mad as an excuse. Just apologize and say you know it was wrong and tell her that you don't expect her to forgive you but you are genuinely sorry.

Thirdly, Linda. Maybe she has little time to get ready before her family needs her. Or maybe she's having cramps or something, I don't know. You don't either, it could be anything. But assuming it's because of something you've done is the wrong way to go about it. Ignore the posts on twitter, they could be indirect and not even meant for you, unless you're tagged that is. Try getting more details as to what's going on and why she feels insecure and comfort her. The only thing you can do is be there for her. Even if she doesn't want you to be right now.

Long story short, talk to them the next time you see them - not over text. Things are more likely to be resolved this way rather than through texts and tweets. Good luck and I hope you feel better! Smile