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When the Tea party pushes us off the fiscal cliff, will it finally become clear how extreme they are? - Printable Version

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When the Tea party pushes us off the fiscal cliff, will it finally become clear how extreme they are? - Dastardly - 02-28-2013 07:13 AM

I think that will be the nail in the Tea party coffin

- ranger_co_1_75 - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

No, they will still be around because they will deny they are the cause. Like spoiled children, they will blame everyone else for not giving them 100% of everything they want. And like parents of spoiled children, some will believe them.

- voicelessrabbit965 - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

Obama wants the cliff that's why he is insisting on such a ridiculous deal

- lestermount - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

I think you are a victim of the bias of the left and the media. The Tea Party does not want the country to fail or go bankrupt, which is what will happen if the government continues to borrow money from foreign countries to fund the out of control spending, which includes sending billions to countries that hate us.

- BekindtoAnimals22 - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

So are you saying Clinton was extreme in his tax code? That's pretty much the only conclusion I can come to. Surely you aren't now sticking up for the "Bush tax cuts".

- Rick - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

It takes two to have a compromise, despite what Obama said he has put nothing on the table.

- King Mob - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

One of the best things to come out of election 2012 was the beginning of a mainstream recognition, finally, that the GOP is NUTS. Not "conservative" nor even "very conservative". So far too many of us have been beating around the bush and wishywashing about it, but for Christ sakes folks, just SAY IT. And SAY IT clearly, plainly, and ALL THE TIME whenever you talk to other Dems/Progressives and to moderate Indies and to TeaPubs when they challenge you. SAY IT. Just SAY IT. And stand by it ! The GOP is "NUTS." (The more rational GOP of Ike and Rockefeller is dead and gone. Today's GOP is just plain NUTS.)

Think about it:

They are the party that absolutely refuses to compromise on ANYTHING. That is NUTS.

They are the party that says the answer to gun violence is massive proliferation of millions of more guns. That is NUTS.

They deny global warming in the face of vast scientific evidence. That is NUTS.

They deny science generally. That is NUTS.

They want to return to the 1950's on social issues and to the 1920's on fiscal issues. That is NUTS.

They are the party of Pills Limbaugh, Glenn BatShit Beck, Wild-Eyes Bachman, Twisted Sister Coulter other words, a bunch of NUTS.

They are the party that chucks someone like Dick Lugar for a total NUT who thinks rape is a gift from god. It's NUTS.

They are the party that re-defines rape. That's NUTS.

They are willing to allow the nation to needlessly default. That's Nuts.

They had a Presidential candidate that sang "bomb bomb bomb Iran" with a mike on a stage. That's NUTS.

They had Sharon Angle as a Senate candidate. That is NUTS.

They had some "witch lady" as a Senate candidate. That is NUTS.

They refused to believe the polls and were truly shocked whenRMoney got beat and beat but good. That is NUTS.

They STILL believe the President is a Kenyan-born Muslim. That is beyond racist. It is NUTS.

They believe ACORN is why Obama won in 2012 although ACORN no longer exists. That is NUTS.

They think Fox News is news. That is NUTS.

They are now eating their own over the fiscal cliff and their party is swirling down the toilet but fast. That is NUTS.

So when you get that asshole at work or that whacky old uncle going on about Dems and Obama being "socialists" and all the rest, just look them right in the eye and say, "You can rant all you want, but you GOT beat, you are going to continue to get BEAT, and it is exactly because your party is totally NUTS and what you are saying right now is NUTS. Now go away because no one is interested in your party which is NUTS." And in emails, blogs, social media, in letters to the editor, don't be afraid to say the GOP NUTS (or if you have to be a little nicer, say "TOTALLY REMOVED FROM REALITY" such as in letters to the editor). Enough of beating around the bush and being all wishy washy. They are NUTS. JUST SAY IT !

- DS M - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM


Senator Obama promised you he would lower the debt to about 6 trillion dollars and then raised the debt to $16,000,000,000,000 for a 10,000,000,000,000. Obama has proven that his understanding of the economy is worse than a crackhead. Yet, you still support the worst president this country has ever had because you failed to connect reason to your vote.

Why do you demand from others that which you don't do yourself?

Liberals demanded an unarmed principal to reason with a 20 year old man who had just murder his mom to get her guns and wanting to continue violating the law. Asking for stricter laws than capital punishment is insane when you look at what happened on the Long Island Railroad, an island in Norway,
the Tiananmen Square Massacre,
Stalin killing 10 million Russians,
the Kurds,
Germany's slaughter of the Jews
Japan's unit 731.
You need to get a bigger picture of the history of violence so you can grasp the magnitude of the problem.

We are looking to balance forces when a bad guy doesn't want to obey the law or conform to society norms.

Please note, the gun ban worked as there were no guns in the school as required by law.
The government who created the law was not there to protect the innocent.
The government is not taking any credit for creating the imbalance of power at the school or their inability to respond quickly enough to prevent the problem.

No, citizens are expected to be slaughtered without questioning the wisdom of not being able to protect oneself.

With Obamacare,
We are going to be gifted with a health care plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don't, which reportedly covers 10 million more people without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman doesn't understand it, passed by Congress, that didn't read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and financed by a country that is broke.
So what the blank could possibly go wrong?"

Who better than the democrats know why they created their own retirement system instead of using the one they created for us to use? They preach and preach and preach but will never do what they demand from others.

When Obama is talking about the evil rich guys, he is looking at a mirror with his rich supporters behind him. Yes, they did tell us publicly that they weren't paying their fair share of taxes and they don't have the common decency to do what they believe is right.


The TD are haters who can't defend their opinions because the government has never taught them to think for themselves.

- DR.R.Luxemburg - 02-28-2013 07:21 AM

THey sure will and because their action will be directly harmful to the average person, they and the GOP will pay the ultimate political price. They will disappear just as the Whigs did

Hope this helps