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What should I do now? - Printable Version

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What should I do now? - anonymous - 02-28-2013 07:13 AM

Ok so here is my story. I have never dated before. I am now in the 10th grade. I was hanging out with some buddies on Friday night. I was telling them about this girl I like. I saw she was on Facebook and I kept coming up excuses for them why i should not message her. Well my one buddy thankfully finally took my phone and messaged her. Plain and simple it went very well. He kind of taught me how to talk to girls over text. He would just ask me what I wanted to say, and he put it in a way that sounded good. Well I was messaging her tonight and it went well. I really like her. She just broke up with someone, was not to serious. She plays softball, I am a pretty big golfer, already got a scholarship to a div 1 school. Well like I said, I really like her. I have talked to her face to face before a handfull of times. Was just casual, nothing big. I got one class with her. I have made her laugh and she would blush. My question is, how do I tell if she has intrest in me? When I made her laugh, she would blush. Also when I text or pm her, she is always using smiley faces and stuff but a lot of people us that. Also what is a good way to approach her to talk to her during school? Also how would I ask her to just go see a movie and get dinner? Not really a date, just a get to know her better. Also should I keep talking to her on facebook, don't want to seem like a freak. Should I right now ask her about her day right now? I just don't want to seem like I am stalking I guess. She was dating this guy for two months and he cheated. He got back with him four days ago. And it looks like she just dumped the scumbag today, I want to ask her on a date bad, what should I do and when? Also, many girls tell her she is beautiful but not to many guys it seems like, how do I tell her she is? It seems like she is losing hope in herself. Like last night I was talking to he and she said her face is ugly. I really badly want to say she is pretty but I held back. I am also really nervous of rejection.

- narrowunderwear897 - 02-28-2013 07:18 AM

GOOD LORD how many questions are you going to ask? you want to ask her out to a dinner and movie, but you don't want to date her? well, later on you said you want to ask her out on a date....which is it?

my answer? ASK HER OUT for cripes sake! and if you're rejected (which i don't think you'll be) it's not like you're going to die from it.

- Skyline_pigeon - 02-28-2013 07:24 AM

She won't think you're a freak if you keep talking to her on Facebook. Keep that up! Also, I don't think you should be afraid to tell her that she's pretty. That's a nice thing for anyone to hear Smile In terms of asking her out or talking to her in person, the fact that you two talk already online will help. Take something she says in a pm (for instance, "I'm going to the dentist today") and use it to spark a real life conversation (ask her how it went).
It might be easiest to ask her to come hang out with you and some other friends at first. Like, everyone goes bowling, then gets pizza after. That breaks the "hanging out" barrier, and it'll be easier then for you to ask her out alone some time. Best of luck Smile