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My parents wont let me get facebook? - Printable Version

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My parents wont let me get facebook? - Jaylon - 02-28-2013 07:30 AM

I am 13 and i have recently been asking my parents to let me get facebook but they rufuse to let me. Everyone has it and my friends keep telling me to get it. What is the age restriction? Surely if your 13 your old enough to get it? Any suggestions?

- Michael Jackson - 02-28-2013 07:34 AM

Parents , are probably doing it so you focus on you're schooling , Facebook takes up allot of you're time they may have the best interest at heart but in you're eyes they might come off mean . Facebook is mostly for people to keep in contact with friends who live or haven't seen in while or co workers other thing it's pointless if you love photos like everybody try instagram that's pretty awesome :-)

- Zee Devil - 02-28-2013 07:43 AM

Tell your parents that this is an outrage and you are old enough to make your own decision.
If it doesn't work try to find out the reasons why they are not letting you use facebook and show them that you are responsible enough to get it.

- some guy - 02-28-2013 07:49 AM

I don't think there is one but parents sometimes have good reason to be concerned.

If I were in your place, I'd add my parents as friends so they can see who is being added and can monitor the page until they're satisfied it's not having some kind of bad influence.

Parents often give up on keeping tabs on things like that after not very long because parents are obviously very busy people so, if you can show them you're trustworthy and not out to find trouble/get into some kind of indecent online relationship (and I realize you very likely have no intention to do that but parents are understandably cautious), then they'll probably allow you to unfriend them and have some privacy on your page.

Of course, you could also add them and unsubscribe to their pages so your updates don't appear on their walls.

I think facebook can be a great way of learning to resist online tension. If your parents are concerned about you having a facebook page, then they should read some of the hateful comments/indecent ones some leave as Youtube responses to other's comments.

Just try not to take the concept of friending/unfriending too personally (is all I suggest when you get a page)

- Yannah - 02-28-2013 07:56 AM

You are 13 years old and you are legal to use Facebook.
Ask your parents what is the problem for getting a Facebook account.
And tell them that there is enough security in Facebook for people like you and also there are many of your friends that have Facebook
Tell them that your responsible and you won't friend anyone you don't know
You should also do stuff that will make them trust you.My mom still won't let me get Facebook but I'm 12 so theres sort of a reason,but i she said she won't let me get until she knows she can trust me enough.Also tell them that you won't spend all your time on Facebook,you will use it after you finish homework,do something important, and etc.

i hope i helped xD

- Daniel - 02-28-2013 07:58 AM

According to the Facebook Terms of Service 13 is the Age your Allowed to Get it if you are that Age

Sit Down with your Parents have a Talk with them about it tell them that your old enough to get a Facebook and you will Not Do Anything Unsafe you will Only Friend People that you actually know in real life and That there are Lots of Privacy Settings that you Can Set that Will Keep you Safe

Good Luck See if that Gets you Anywhere