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Is @MandaSwaggie on Twitter a real account, or is it a joke? - Printable Version

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Is @MandaSwaggie on Twitter a real account, or is it a joke? - Gleekforeverr - 10-12-2012 08:01 AM!/MandaSwaggie
She's saying things such as Justin Bieber is better than Kurt Cobain, Freddie Mercury isn't a good role model because he was gay and had aids, Justin Bieber is bigger than Michael Jackson, Kids Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards are bigger than Grammys, and Justin Bieber's and Miley Cyrus' albums were the only good music to come out recently.
I mean, there can't really be people like this on the planet, can there? This person HAS to be a troll?
Kurt Cobain has been trending all day because of her.
What do you guys think of this?

- Adele :3 - 10-12-2012 08:09 AM

Lol honestly, she's just a mindless teen who obviously is spoiled and has a mouth on her. Could be real, then again, could be just a troll. Either way, people like her will always exist. But for some reason, people keep feeding the trolls. That's the only reason she still exists!

- nicole4MJ - 10-12-2012 08:09 AM

Some little kid, bored because school is out trolling on Twitter. I saw those tweets, I just kept on doing other things, not even worth the keystrokes it takes to reply.

- ChocolateLips. - 10-12-2012 08:09 AM

First of all, I got kinda pissed off because.. come on! Michael Jackson? Kurt Cobain and Freddie Mercury?! Shes disrespecting all of the legends! I got so annoyed, there's even a twitter petition to get her account suspended, and kurt cobain is still trending now! I thought it was all fake, but then her profile picture is real and she also sent a video out?

That video is basically her swearing and talking about her "haters" shes also a racist, as she said to a youtube response "send that nigger back to africa" then after she said something like "im not a racist, i just hate when black people talk crap about me! (um, what the hell? so white people can? *racist* -.- honestly, shes disgusting, she talks about sex and is unhealthy obsessed with justin bieber... she also insults lady gaga. -.- tbh, its disgusting. Hopefully she will grow up, I think justin bieber will be ashamed to have her as a fan, because he looks up to her. In her tweets she claims shes 11/12, but now she claims shes going to be 14? hmm...

- Jan - 10-12-2012 08:09 AM

Haha good question. I first thought it was an (obvious) troll, because she was talking about "Nickelodeon Kids Award" and that grammy's are nothing. That Kurt Cobain ain't nothing because he didn't have any followers on twitter (or something like that). but then she put that vid on youtube, then I kinda knew she wasn't kidding...