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Am I the only person that gets annoyed by political ranting on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Am I the only person that gets annoyed by political ranting on Facebook? - Brad - 02-28-2013 08:15 AM

I hate when people on my Facebook post photos and statuses about political stuff like how much they hate Obama, they love their guns ect...I think posting a political rant once in a while is fine but doing it everyday is so annoying. Other than their political beliefs, they are good people which is why I don't delete them off Facebook.

- Sara - 02-28-2013 08:16 AM

I love my brother and it was nice we could keep in touch with each other. My nieces and nefews were on there and it was all good. But his rants and raves about Obama and Democrats like they were terriorists was so radical it scared me. He buys guns and ammo like tomorrow he is going to get invaded. He is almost 80 years old and has made a place that is self sustaining.

Has years of food stored and all these weapons to protect his stuff. Which he makes know on face book. I got off there and can't ever go back the ones on there that are Republican are so radical they make muslims looked laid back. We are going to have an EMP attack any day. Would he kill a young person for taking food when they are starving?

- Stevie N - 02-28-2013 08:19 AM

Ah well, I am guilty of that.. My reasoning is that when I see something important, or I think is important, I want my friends to know. If they see the post and want to delve into more they can, if not they can just ignore it. I hate it when vegans post or pic what they bought at the store or what they ate. Really? lol Some people don't want to know current events and what's happening in our government. You CAN just have them as acquaintances and then you see just very minimal of their posts. Try that.

- Misael de Lara - 02-28-2013 08:28 AM

I think it's too much. It's like some people obsess with politics that they bring it up at any chance they get, and hope others bring it up. I think it's crazy.

- Villager - 02-28-2013 08:37 AM

You can adjust your newsfeed settings to filter out posts from these people, without deleting them.