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What the hell is wrong with this Facebook admin? - Printable Version

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What the hell is wrong with this Facebook admin? - Michael-Lakers SF 49ers SF Giants fan. - 02-28-2013 08:26 AM

I went to this page on Facebook called, ''Extreme Sports Debate." I went on there to congratulate the Baltimore Ravens for winning the superbowl, and the Facebook admin on there named Moe starts attacking me calling me a bandwagon fan when I'm trying to be civil. I've let it slide for about 3 weeks now, but It's getting old and I want him to stop it once and for all. What do I do? I've had enough of his crap!
To Psychic Computer Repair: Guess what, you're on my page (my house). And I make the rules here, so you can get off my page K.

- Comicbook Reader - 02-28-2013 08:35 AM

If he's an admin, then there isn't much you can do except leave the group. He's free to be a complete and utter idiot if he wants. It means fewer people visiting the page in the long run, but happens all the time.

- Madrock801 - 02-28-2013 08:36 AM

You are in his house, his rules.
Make your own house and make your own rules.


- Crystal - 02-28-2013 08:44 AM

People on facebook think theyre hard, suuuch dicks.