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What should i do ( i really need help)? - Printable Version

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What should i do ( i really need help)? - Red Arrow - 02-28-2013 08:54 AM

My life keeps getting worse and I'm losing hope at anything. I graduated high school in 2011 and since then I haven't worked only at Target for only a week which has been horrible. The people there rushed me at being a cashier my co workers never helped me and always made me feel awful and stupid at my job I have bad social anxiety so it just made things worse. I eventually quit because working there made me hate myself more everyday and people their were already talking about me. Since November 2012 I can't get another job because of the fear of this happening again I applied two more places but they never got back to me which I'm happy. My mom keeps pressuring me to get a job and tells everybody I ain't worth anything and makes me feel like crap everyday my family also makes me feel like crap they talk bad about me and say how much a screw up I am. My mom also says I'm useless because she can't get money from taxes and can't claim me since I didn't go to school all year which I don't want to go right now. I want to get a job at this health place/gym opening up in the summer since I like working out but it's too long the wait and I'm getting pressure to get a job now. I have goals I want to complete but I just feel so alone and lost I have no one to talk to I have no friends and the friends I used to have just used me and would also treat me like crap. One goal I have is to talk to this girl I like from high school who I can't stop thinking about and I know she's a person I can get along with since we both have a lot in common after seeing her facebook we have a lot more in common but I don't want to start talking to her until my life is situated I wish me and her were friends since I really need a friend right now. I'm 20 years old and I've never been out on a date since I'm shy and most girls always would make fun of me and never give a chance. I really want to ask my crush out but can't since my life is disappointing since I don't have money. I'm not a bad looking guy for what I've been told but people don't give me a chance at all I really want to feel happy in life and to earn money and to take my crush out on a date and get to know her more I feel like I can have a conversation with her since we like the same things. My goal is next year on Valentines Day 2014 is to be with my crush already in a relationship and to have a job where I'm happy at saving up money for what I want to do with my life. But I just feel like I'll never get to these dreams since my life keeps getting worse everyday and no one gives me a chance I fear I'll never get a chance with her or she'll reject me and judge me like everyone else and not give me a chance. I need help I feel hopeless. Sorry this is long but I need help.

- Cleo12 - 02-28-2013 09:02 AM

Okay I think you need some confidence because without confidence you wont be able to work out the other things. You HAVE to believe in yourself because in the end you're not going to be able to please everyone even I they are family. Do what you need to do for you, ya know? Cause you have to be content with yourself. The social anxiety will make things a little harder but you could go to your doctor and tell them about your anxiety (and I'm not usually for meds) but they can give you some stuff to ease up where you can get something of a job until you can get that gym one you wanted. For your girl, go for it! Seriously you have no idea how some girls are accepting and understanding no matter what you're going through and she might make you a little happier where you can fulfill those other things. (: if college isn't you thing its cool but find something that makes you happy but can also prove to your family you are amazing and full of potential just in doing what YOU want to do. I know this is a confusing time but believe in yourself dude. Don't ever give up and strive in your beliefs.
Good luck Big Grin