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I wanna hug him and return his feelings but? - Printable Version

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I wanna hug him and return his feelings but? - Olive - 02-28-2013 09:21 AM

A guy at my school named Matt, late last year I had a few days off sick from school and when I returned all of the year level (people my age) were telling me how he liked me and thought I was hot..

we were only in the same english class last year

everybody said that to me for weeks, including his sporty friends who are very popular and often stuck up.. it was very weird
I started liking him more, his friends told me to talk to him and get to know him because he's too shy to do anything

I spoke to him on facebook about 3 weeks after and found we have similar music taste

I told him 2 days later that it was me and he instantly became more polite and seemed happier and less moody, my friend noticed it straight away because she could read it (cause its her account after all)

anyway, I was about to ask him if what his friends said was true, but before I asked, he knew I was going to soon..
he randomly said 'its not true, those were all rumours'
while we were talking about school
I was disappointed and asked why everyone came up with such a rumour and he said 'I told my friends to stop but they're d!cks..'

the weird thing is that it was too random to be random.. haha, his friends never talk to me like they were, playing with my hair and telling me he's shy but has a good personality

my friends all believed the rumour to be true as well, they said he was too gutless to admit it though..

this year he keeps staring at me but we dont have lessons together, we're seniors, he's sometimes in the library before school and thats it.. he has his ipod in and does a little bit of work...
I have nothing to say but he has this look, when he looks at me and I look at him he looks straight away... he is shy and he's never had a girlfriend unlike his friends

what can I do.... :c
thanks so much guys!

- Sam - 02-28-2013 09:22 AM

go up and talk to him make it easier for him to ask you out

- Luke - 02-28-2013 09:28 AM

well first step would be admitting you're just as shy as he is.

to confess this to the right friend, his or yours, and have them do the dirty work, is yalls only hope.

good luck!

- Andrew - 02-28-2013 09:29 AM

Just go up to him one day and just randomly hug him, or put your hand on him (ie. on his shoulder) and see how he reacts.

You say he looks at you, which means he finds you interesting so it wouldn't hurt to just start a conversation with him (make sure his not busy with anything).

His friends would have only "made up the rumor" because he must have talked to them about you.

He's interested in you, and if you are interested in him just try to strike up a conversation with him every chance you get. Get to know him a little better.

You say he's shy so he might not give very lengthy answers (ie. he might give one word answers) but that doesn't mean he's not interested in the conversation.

Good luck