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Why do people unfriend me off facebook for no reason? - Printable Version

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Why do people unfriend me off facebook for no reason? - henry - 02-28-2013 09:32 AM

What are people on facebook doing? Two people who actually knew me before unfriended me off facebook. Why is this? Why do people have to take their old friends off just because they don't talk much or they think they don't know them well and they really know them? If people been taking their old friends off then why are they on facebook?

- emgee - 02-28-2013 09:42 AM

You're a douche.

- Hall - 02-28-2013 09:43 AM

ya, i know it hurts bad, bc we don't know the reason... Also we will never know no matter how much we try. Don't worry make new friends without attachments. Everytime u will think of it , it will hurt bad. So don't wastef ur time, moment on unavailable people. Don' t worry, it happens with everyone

- Megan - 02-28-2013 09:51 AM

Meeting new people and making new friends can often change the way people act, sometimes they get to busy with their future that they forgot what they had in the past, you could try to strike up conversation with your old friends, try and get them interested in what you have to, Facebook can be very complicated, Facebook can sometimes take over peoples lives and with the world at their fingertips and their future ahead of them sometimes they lose track of what they use to have, but you can't stop people making new friends, that's part of life im afraid

- sugar1973 - 02-28-2013 09:55 AM

This happened to me too. don't take it seriously. I have my issues with facebook and what's considered real connection with friends.

- Christopher Garcia - 02-28-2013 09:57 AM

It happens dude don't worry about it. It has happened to me many times and to others as well. Sometimes it could be someone hacking them and deleting people from their facebook.

- moofu49 - 02-28-2013 09:58 AM


You have now bore witness to what a waste of time, effort, and brain cells that Failbook is. You have also now realized who your real friends are and who are just superficial twits. That they would not tell you in person should tell you something. If they have to be that way, then they are not your friends. Period.

True friends call you on the telephone once in a while, just for the sake of talking to you. True friends ask you to come bowling with them or to the local pub to BS over a few drinks. Failbook is a just an adult high school popularity contest, a poor surrogate for human contact, and an overt contributor to our de-evolution as social animals.

If you are looking for salvation from this mass stupidification of our species, please follow the links that I have provided below, and I hope others do the same.

- J - 02-28-2013 09:59 AM

maybe they don't like you anymore

- Mr. Common Sense - 02-28-2013 10:02 AM

You, sir, need to grow up. So what if they unfriended you off their friendlist. Those two people are obviously your "acquaintance." They are not your real friends. After all, it's their page and they have every right to delete whoever they want off their facebook. With or without a reason. Like I said, grow up and get a life..a REAL life. Facebook isn't real life.

- dan - 02-28-2013 10:11 AM