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Should I start trying to conceive again? - Printable Version

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Should I start trying to conceive again? - angel - 02-28-2013 09:52 AM

My husband and I were trying to get pregnant but my cycles would not get regulated due to my low progesterone levels. I was put on birth control pills. I have been on them for 8 months now. About two months ago I started with some vaginal bleeding and its still going now, I was told by my dr it may be too many hormones due to pill change. I figured since I have been on them for 8 months and now have too many hormones, maybe my body has begun to regulate its own hormones. I did not start my new pill pack and the bleeding is tapering off.... I just want peoples opinion on if they think my chances are greater now. I have no internal problems it's all hormonal.

- Tanya - 02-28-2013 09:59 AM

Heck yeah! I would start trying. Your body had eight months to get on track. I think it wouldn't hurt to try. If you want a baby then go for it! I wish you love, luck and happiness!

- Des - 02-28-2013 10:06 AM

Trying to conceive is never easy, trust me it took me forever to conceive and it got to a point where I was just irritated at the thought of conceiving. So after a few days of venting my stress on Facebook a friend of mine that I haven’t talked to in years started chatting with me and I found out she had finally started a family and she was going for her third child and after a little bit of me venting my anger and jealousy out on her she told me to check out . So I decided what the heck I’ve tried everything else and decided to grab a copy of it and was finished reading it in 2 days (I wouldn't put it down lol).They guarantee pregnancy within 2 months and show you how to avoid miscarriages. They give you a ton of information on conceiving and show you how to get around being infertile. It doesn’t matter if you have pcos or any other fertility problem. My husband and I tried to conceive for 2 years and it just wouldn’t happen and at one point I was thinking about giving up and doctors advised us to adopt a child but in the end I refused as I wanted to leave something in this world that came from me. I learned an immense amount of things I didn’t even think were important to conceive. I started following the things I’ve learned and following everything it taught me like a zombie and I finally tested positive 2 months and 1 week later!!! Now a year later I’m here about to go buy a birthday cake for my son and I can’t be any luckier to be able to wake up and hold him in my arms. I'm forever grateful to it and would recommend it to anyone. Just remember you can’t give up when things get tough. Anyways enough rambling from me and I truly do wish you the very best in your journey ttc!
P.s I’m very sorry about the essay I just wrote LOL, didn’t realize I wrote so much!