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How to tell someone you love them in a long distance relationship? - Printable Version

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How to tell someone you love them in a long distance relationship? - Shaylynn - 02-28-2013 09:54 AM

I have been talking to a guy for over 5 months now. We both have feelings for each other but the problem is we live 4 hours apart. Due to our age we can't see each other. We met at a concert and exchanged numbers so I know he is real. We aren't official on facebook it is more of a secretive thing but I know that I am the only girl he has a thing with. I don't know if I should tell him I like him more than a crush or if I should just wait for awhile. We talk on the phone every night, and we text all day. So what should I do? I am desperate.

- Waterdragon - 02-28-2013 10:00 AM

you tell him --- you phone and you tell him ---- facebook status is meaningless ---- 4 hours is not a huge deal even when you are young ---- you could still plan a trip to see each other but regardless ---- why not write a letter