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What is the legal notice of settlement of class action from facebook? - Printable Version

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What is the legal notice of settlement of class action from facebook? - Star - 02-28-2013 10:25 AM

So facebook has sent this email to me about legal notice.. I dont get it.. Am I in trouble?? Can someone explain this to me?

- Farin McNally - 02-28-2013 10:32 AM

No, you're not in trouble. Facebook is though. The company sold information about things we (I,along with 125 million other people including you) "liked" and talked about. This in itself isn't entirely illegal, but when you include a persons personal information it is. About two yrs ago the lawsuit started up and now its at its finish. All of the "class members" are entitled to $10 of the $20 million set aside for this purpose. Only problem is that there are over 125 million people on that list to get a claim. In the end your efforts to get the money not only may lead to not even get it, but also could easily end up being only a few cents. Just relax, move on, and wait for the security settings update on Facebook. Its just another media squabble.

- Sarah - 02-28-2013 10:35 AM

FB used information about people who liked certain things as ways for ad revenue. Every once in a blue moon the side of the page said "so-and-so liked this. Like us too!" or something similar and FB would get paid if you clicked on the ad. They used photos and profile information about the users who liked the pages and made money off of it.

The original emails sent out are legit. There are now some circling that are not real. A link should be in the email stating that you need to claim your part of the suit before March something. When you click on the link it will ask for your name (or the name attached to the account) and other information about the account. It takes about 5 minutes to fill everything out, if you don't read any of it. If you feel like taking the time, which I'm guessing you may not considering you posted this before searching for the tons of other questions just like it, you can get up to $10 from FB. If too many people claim part of the settlement, then FB will donate the money to a non-profit charity in the names of those who claimed the parts.