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My twitter just got suspended? - Printable Version

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My twitter just got suspended? - Hadz S - 02-28-2013 10:38 AM

My twitter was a fan account and I was tweeting and then I got suspended.
I had over 3000 followers and it took me ages to get that many.
I have even appealed.
I don't think I have done anything wrong.
If I do get my twitter back will it be with all the followers and when will get it back?

- Alice - 02-28-2013 10:46 AM

Twitter might ban you if you are posting a lot at once, because they might think its spam.

- Paige - 02-28-2013 10:48 AM

If you got suspended, it is highly unlikely you'll get it back. If you did, then you might have all your followers.

- sewrobb - 02-28-2013 10:58 AM

Depends on what you got suspended for seeing that you didn't gave
the reason gave you.

It also depends whether there was a time limit set.

No time limit = Permanent suspension.

- Alexander - 02-28-2013 10:59 AM

my account was suspended and it was returned to me and i panicked as it said i had no followers but over a couple of hours it slowly gives you them all back so if you are lucky enough to get it back then all your followers will be safe, you could have been suspended eather because you tweeted to much, followed too many people over a short peroid of time or another reason if you were reported as being anti social, good luck with getting your account back tho !! it is a nightmare when they take it for no apparent reason !!

- curvedsummer087 - 02-28-2013 11:05 AM

My friend's got suspended and she emailed them i think, telling them what happened and her account was back after 2 days. Try that, I think you'll have the same amount of followers.

Follow me @nkhan113

- Jeremy - 02-28-2013 11:07 AM

My twitter account has been suspended for two days straight and I appealed few times. Hopefully my account will be reinstated and restored before next week or next month.