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Is this any reason for my boyfriend to be upset? - Printable Version

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Is this any reason for my boyfriend to be upset? - Mickey Yoochun - 02-28-2013 12:34 PM

I understand guys dont often like to show when they're upset or signs of weakness, especially if they're the mocho type, but he always acts out passively aggressivley. Yesterday was my first time re-activating my facebook in 2 years. When I reactivated it, I still had all these old pictures of my ex and I. I guess thats around the time I tried deleing my fb. Anyways, so he gets mad and then curious and starts looking me up online and finds all these social networking sites that I hadnt been on in ages. My last post on twitter was in 2011, and on my profile I had put something like "waiting for that great guy to come along" or something like that. He gets mad about that, and then finds my super old myspace that I hadnt been on since 2009. I have a whole bunch of bad pictures on there cause I use to be those "myspace whores" when I was a teenager. But, I dont remember password to myspace anymore, and I cant get it emailed to me cause i used a fake email address. But it doesnt matter to me. I dont know why it should to him if I havnt been on there in ages. And now hes not talking to me....isnt he overreacting? Or am I in the wrong? We've been together for a little less than a year, and hes just now findng all this stuff
@'lyssa He's 19 :/

- unknown - 02-28-2013 12:37 PM

He needs to chill out, make him take a chill pill.

- Kimberly - 02-28-2013 12:39 PM

He is definitely overreacting!!! These are sites that he didn't know existed!! Sounds like he is very insecure and needs to be dumped. good luck.

- Hannah - 02-28-2013 12:47 PM

He's an idiot.

I'd leave him now if i was you, this is NOT a rational response to something so..unimportant. Get rid. There's only misery in your future with him otherwise

- peedmilk - 02-28-2013 12:55 PM

I used to be just like took alot for me to get out of that... he just cares about you alot.. and is very threatened by anyone who might take you away, in fact. he will prob. be threatened by me sending you this message. i used to be very possessive with whom i was with. it drove me crazy to see old photos like that... it almost took over my life. it got so bad that i was hacking her old emails and looking through was a very low point for took a good friend to show me how obsessive i was becoming for me to realize what i was putting my gf through. its hard to understand now why i was ever like that. but i know how he feels... its really scary now looking back. i hope the best for you two and just know.. he only does this because he is afraid of loosing you. take care

oh also, she dumped me for it and broke my heart... i mean it DESTROYED me. ...two years larer i thanked her for helping me become a better person. sometimes thats just what it takes
i was upset yes but... i know she loved me... and i cant imagine how difficult it was for her to hurt me like that...but it had to be done.. i was becoming this...obsessive...thing haha. we are good friends now.

- My Evil Twin - 02-28-2013 01:03 PM

"irrational" seems a fair definition of his behavior.
dump him and move on.
being alone on valentines is better than being with someone you know is wrong.

- My Evil Twin - 02-28-2013 01:09 PM

he sounds like he is immature and insecure. how old is he?

edit: Lol, yes 19. explains a lot.

- Dunson41 - 02-28-2013 01:19 PM

Gotta be honest, guys like to think of their girl was perfect before they got together (even if they are pretty sure she wasn't). Learning you were a myspace whore and talking about other guys and other guys pictures makes us feel sick in the pit of our stomach.

Think of how you would feel if the situation was reversed and he had all these pictures of his ex etc.

It's a two way street, it's usually best to not let your bf's see things like this because thats when you past can haunt your future.

- Sexy Homer III - 02-28-2013 01:21 PM

Find a new boyfriend.