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Why is Mobile Facebook making my posts visible to only me? - Printable Version

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Why is Mobile Facebook making my posts visible to only me? - Natalia - 02-28-2013 12:53 PM

I've checked the settings on my phone, both with the browser and with the actual facebook app, and neither looked wrong or said anything about posting to where only I can see it. I checked my settings on my computer too, and the same thing showed up. None of my settings said anything about it.
The problem I'm trying to explain is whenever I send a status through SMS to my facebook, it posts it only visible to me. I want it to be visible to my friends. It's only just started doing this. I have an android, if that information matters.
I just want to know how to change this setting or whatever so I can post statuses through SMS and not have to go through the apps and junk to make sure it's actually visible to my friends. I keep not checking it and then hours go by and I feel like everyone's ignoring me when it was only visible to me the entire time.
This is so annoying.

- ewshut - 02-28-2013 01:00 PM

My online facebook says all my posts are for friends only...when i upload images they go public. It's a bug in the system, you are best of reporting it to facebook like so many before you!
Best bet is complaining.

- Miss - 02-28-2013 01:03 PM

On mobile there is an option for friends, only me, family, public.. U check one of the others which ever you want