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Is it reasonable for my girlfriend to want me to deactivate my facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it reasonable for my girlfriend to want me to deactivate my facebook? - Steven_ - 02-28-2013 01:07 PM

She has my password so she logs into my facebook to read my messages and she's mad at me because people keep flirting with me. I don't flirt back, I don't even respond. So is she right? Should I deactivate my facebook or is she just being insecure?
Alright thanks lol

- Jailhouse Rock - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Change your password. That stuff is none of her business.

- Diva - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

It's unreasonable.

- Ace Haley - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Just change the password

- Patrick - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

She's being insecure. Tell her to get over it or stop snooping.

- BIG BOSS. - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

She is insecure, but if u don't care keep facebooking who gives a damn!!!

- Hybrid Moments - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Women are jealous creatures if nobody flirted with you she wouldn't want to be with you.

- fununtilitsover - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

tell her to mind her own freaking business and then change your password. This type of relationship is doomed if she doesn't trust you with a facebook page. Move on as well.

- fununtilitsover - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

If you're in no way ever responding I dont think you should have to deactivate it, I think that is unfair. Would she deactivate hers? I mean she even has your password she should feel confident in that. Try blocking the people that flirt and explain why you want to keep it, entertainment, old friends....Relationships with no trust and insecurities dont work, ask why she doesnt trust you, is something else bugging her..if you do this whats next your phone...

- Emily Darjeeling - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Extremely unreasonable. She sounds quite insecure. Either change your password if you really want to keep her, or drop her altogether. Things like this often end up getting worse and worse and they get naggier and clingier.