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would you say her and this chick Julie are more than friends or am I paranoied? - Printable Version

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would you say her and this chick Julie are more than friends or am I paranoied? - Rachael - 02-28-2013 01:16 PM

I have done a few sexual things with my best friend but we're not a couple and we mostly like men. Thing is she says ONE time she ate a woman out when she was drunk but she did not like it, and another time she kissed her best friend Julie on a dare. Well I notice she is in lots of pics of facebook with Julie (she never posts any of her and I together) and in some of the pics they are kind of on each others laps or one will have her arm around the other one but her hand is right on her breast....and some people make comments about how they are a cute 'couple'...I guess they could be kidding around but I can't help but get real suspicious they they are more than friends...and my friend lied to me about it.
actaully ...since her and I do stuff I consider it cheating on me since she says they don't do stuff.

- Hista - 02-28-2013 01:22 PM

Well, its their business if they want to tell you.

- Kiieru - 02-28-2013 01:31 PM

You really won't know unless you ask her. She might be interested in her friend, or she could just be very affectionate with her- many girls are naturally very physically affectionate with friends and it doesn't mean anything. I also don't mean to upset you, but she really can't cheat on you if you aren't in a relationship. She can and may very well see other people if you don't set some boundaries. If you're looking for an actual monogamous relationship, you need to initiate one and not just assume she has limits. Tell her you care about her and you want to know if she would consider a relationship with you, and if she says no, talk about it. If she says yes, be happy but don't mention the friend right away or you will upset her and make her think you're trying to control her. Later down the line if you see she still seems to be too affectionate with her friend, make a stand and tell her you don't think it's appropriate to be so physical with her friend if you're together. Best of luck.