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I can't decide what to do about her...? - Printable Version

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I can't decide what to do about her...? - Andrew M. - 02-28-2013 01:23 PM

Alright, this is a long story but I am a senior in high school and I'm a guy. I have this friend who is a girl who I have been friends with for a while, and about three months ago I developed a little crush on her. I did'nt want to risk the friendship so I decided I would'nt do anything about it, but soon this other kid who knew I was friends with her asked me if she was single, because he had a crush on her. I said she was, and asked her what she thought of him later that day and she said she also liked him. I felt a little akward about being caught in the middle, but I started thinking about them together and I got bothered by it, so I decided to tell the other guy I also liked her and I wanted to ask her out. He said I should, and I planned on doing it but I decided not to, I saw she was really into this other guy, and I could mess up our friendship, so I gave the kid the okay to ask her out, and they started going out the next day.

A week after that I got bothered by their relationship, so I decided to tell her how I felt just to get it off my chest. I was'nt trying to break them up or anything, but the guy was okay with me telling her, but she did'nt know what to do and got scared. I talked to her about it and we decided we would'nt let it ruin our friendship and we acted normal from there.

Another month later she started openly discussing the details of her relationship with me, and I got uncomfortable so I asked her to not talk about that kind of stuff, not to make out with him in the halls if I was around, and she got mad at me. We stopped talking for like 2 weeks, but we went back to normal. A few days after we started talking to eachother again, she seemed upset in on of our classess, so I asked if she was okay. She said she was fine but she obviously was'nt, and she got mad at me again for bothering her about it. She told me she was upset that I kept asking why she was upset. She forgave me the next day, but then she wrote on my facebook wall, I commented like an hour later, and she replied cursing me out and saying she hated me. I asked what I did and she said I woke her up from a nap. She did'nt talk to me for another week, but she eventually forgave me again and we went back to normal. We were fine for like two weeks but then we were joking around and we argued over who was smarter than the other, and I told her I got 1% higher on our math final last year, but she got mad because she thought I was callin her stupid. She forgave me the next day, and we've been fine up until today. Today she decided to play a joke on me, so she took my stuff and passed it to someone else who hid it when I was'nt looking. I got a little angry, and told her it was'nt funny in a very annoyed tone, and kept asking her where she put it, when it was actually the other kids idea and he ws the one who hid it. When I realized that I felt like an ass and now she won't talk to me.

I just feel like recently we've been arguing alot, and every time she gets mad at me. Every time its a stupider reason than the last and I always feel really guilty about it. I'm considering dropin her as a friend, even though I dont want to. We're like best friends but its jsut that she messes with me ALOT and I always tolerate it, but she keeps getting mad at me.

Her boyfriend is okay with me and actually sides with me on every single argument, but she still gets mad at me for almost everything. Everyone keeps telling me I should stop talking to her since shes always messing with me, and we argue alot now but we really are good friends and I don't want to lsoe her, but it might be for the better since I might eventually do something really bad and hurt her or something. I jsut wanted some advice on how to handle the situation

- Michelle Long - 02-28-2013 01:31 PM

It sounds like this chick may be bipolar. She is constantly going back and forth with her emotions; I'm surprised you haven't had whiplash. If I were you, I would stop speaking to her altogether. High school is hard enough without the crazy people. Enjoy your senior year.

- kate - 02-28-2013 01:32 PM

3rd paragraph has good information. The fact that she was mad at you for bothering her while she was upset makes it seem like the was dealing with a completely different problem that she might not be talking about? Do you know if she's having difficulties with(ex: family?)
The fact that she would freak that you woke her up from her nap is just ridiculous. That is not your fault at all!! Especially if you commented on Facebook. What is she doing going on Facebook while she's asleep? And if her phone gets notifications for that stuff, it certainly is not your problem.
The bickering about who is better is ok once in a while, people do it, but if you're constantly 1-uping each other than it doesn't make for a healthy relationship.
The joke thing is immature and you said SHE decided to play a joke on you but that it was the other kids idea. The fact that she went along with it sounds like she likes to see you squirm. She's being dumb for not talking to you after, although if you lashed out over something so trivial, like someone hiding your stuff, that's something you should reevaluate about yourself. It sounds like she messes with you BECAUSE you tolerate it, once you stop, she might find someone else to pick on.
She sounds kind've mean and a little manipulative, causing trouble and such. Dropping her might be best. You deserve to be treated with respect and if she's not willing to give you that respect and gets angry at you all the time, it might be best to find someone who is kinder to you.