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Girls, what would you think if you got this message on valentines day morning? - Printable Version

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Girls, what would you think if you got this message on valentines day morning? - Will Thompson - 02-28-2013 01:59 PM

I asked this befor but as I said before id like as many opinions as possible Smile Please read!

I've been talking to this girl on "Kik" for a while (I have her on Facebook and other networks so I know she's real) we've gotten to know each other quite well and I really like her. But she lives in Belfast and I live in Newcastle. I was thinking about sending her a nice message on valentines day telling her how I feel.
Something like this....

"Good morning Smile

Im going to be honest here. I never thought it would be possible to like someone as much as I like you, and I haven't even met you yet Tongue but its true... I really, really like you... Everything about you is amazing. And when my phone says I have a message of you it makes me smile and I get butterflies, but it makes me happy for the whole day. If for some reason we don't talk for a while (even just a few hours) I actually really miss you. You are seriously the most stunningly beautiful girl i've ever talked to, and even just talking to you on kik everyday makes me soooo happy, and I really hope we don't stop talking. I hope some day soon I can come and meet you and give you a big hug :3 and I'm telling you this today because its a day to tell people your true feelings, so there you go Smile happy Valentines Day sweetie! xxx"

Would you like to get this on valentines morning? Please be honest. Any tips on what I could add/remove would be greatly appreciated Smile thank you

- Mitch Manz - 02-28-2013 02:00 PM

That's lame.
Call her and say it instead.

- Laugh - 02-28-2013 02:04 PM

this would be amazing to get in the morning when you wake up on valentines day

Please awnser my question

- Bree - 02-28-2013 02:06 PM


- Skyler - 02-28-2013 02:09 PM

I would be flattered, but it's tacky to do it over a text. Call her up instead xx