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My presence brought this girl to tears?!?! Really fucked up coincidence. 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER? - Printable Version

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My presence brought this girl to tears?!?! Really fucked up coincidence. 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER? - Greek Goddess - 02-28-2013 02:11 PM

Okay so over the weekend I went to some huge college Valentine's day event and some weird things happened. There were these group of girls that I have had drama with for like 3 years, but 6 months ago we decided not to fight anymore and just be nice to eachother...or so I thought... Since we are still awkward towards each other I never ever thought of ever hanging out with these girls or doing anything with them at all.

So this college event happened at a really nice hotel. So when I booked my hotel room I didnt think about them at all. When I walked into my room with my friend I heard knocking at our door. I open the door and nobody was there but I still heard knocking, I soon realized that my side door was knocking. When I opened the door, I saw the group of girls that I had drama with for the past 3 years......Yes, my room was connected to their room and the only thing separating me from them was a door. This really made me EXTREMELY nervous. So we were nice at first to each other but after that they decided to be weird to me... I dont feel like explaining what they did.

But the one girl that I had the most drama with (lets call her Anna) did something really weird. My history with this girl goes like this: we have had numerous fights, we have made up numerous times, this girl stalks me like crazy, she stares at me all the time, and it is obvious that she is severely jealous of me because she literally sits there at events and stares at me the entire night. She even made a fake facebook account to secretly track what I'm doing. Each time she has made fun of me I never felt bad about myself because I know that each remark was in the act of jealousy.

So while I was in my other friend's room just chilling one of my friends came up to me and she was like "I heard Anna crying when I walked past your room"

Me: "why was she crying?"
my friend: "I heard her screaming about how she demands to have another room and she cant be sleeping in a room next to you"
Me: "are you serious? I'm terrified for my own well being!"
my friend: "Well she was crying hysterically like she has been traumatized"
Me: "I dont understand why she's afraid of me"

So my question is why was this girl crying??? I'm not a scary person at all and people like to be around me. I never did anything to show her that I'm dangerous in anyway. What is her deal?

- Amateurtramp994 - 02-28-2013 02:16 PM

The only person who can answer that properly is Anna. You should ask her--nicely of course.