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Is it selfish to want to hang out with my friend? - Printable Version

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Is it selfish to want to hang out with my friend? - broadway.musical - 02-28-2013 02:19 PM

I have a friend whom I've been friends with for about 2.5 years. We talk all the time on Facebook and we text each other often (he said he actually talks to me more than any of his other friends-I text first most of the time). However, we hardly ever hang out together. The last time we did was back in August of last year. He does have a job that keeps him very busy though. I have asked him many times if he wants to go grab dinner or something, but each time something always comes up (normally in the few hours before we were going to do something). I don't want to hang out every day, just occasionally because I know he is very busy. Other than that, he's a great friend. Really fun to talk to and is supportive, helpful, and everything else that makes a great friend. Is it selfish of me to want to talk to him in person more and hang out with him rather than just talking to him online? I have brought this up with him and he said talking to me on Facebook and text seemed to work with his busy schedule. I do see him in person, and we usually briefly talk to each other. I'm sure he hangs out with some of his other friends though. I'm not looking for anything romantic between us. We're both not interested in that, but he is my greatest friend and I'm kind of hurt that he doesn't hang out with me.

- Silent - 02-28-2013 02:28 PM

Hanging out has more effection then just texting each other, it isnt selfish at all. You really care about your friend and its better when you have him in front of you then talk to him through a phone or a computer.