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Is the perception of the nude more acceptable in the 21st century? - Printable Version

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Is the perception of the nude more acceptable in the 21st century? - Lellie S - 02-28-2013 02:19 PM

As the centuries has gone by, how do you think societies perception of the nude has changed? For instance, what is deemed acceptable now and why do you think that is?
Paintings of the nude mainly

- Shoes - 02-28-2013 02:28 PM

when you say "the nude" was specifically are you referring to? are you referring to painting of nude women? or are you referring to things like page 3 and porn?

- toosh - 02-28-2013 02:33 PM

I think you need to look t different countries and so societies. Some are much more open some are maybe as closed as they ever were maybe even more so. The world is so full of different societies and we are all different. as some become more open minded and acclimatised to nudity in all forms others become more closed to it

- Ausy Iby - 02-28-2013 02:34 PM

Its funny but I think in a way we have become more closed off to the nude as a think of beauty compared to times past, yet we are more revealing in our attire also. Strange.

- Rick407 - 02-28-2013 02:38 PM

The way things are going, it's probably less likely that simple nudity in art will be as acceptable as it once was. Against local cultural norms, I see it as 50/50 that we'll become less adverse to nudity than we've recently been. But I don't expect we'll be anywhere as comfortable with it in art as we were prior to the 20th century. Sad

- Sweet Solitude - 02-28-2013 02:47 PM

I dont think nude is appropiate at all unless you are washing your body or a married couple are having sex. For some people (like me) nude can upset people. I have a medical problem, a birth defect. I dont like nude at all, it upsets me. Nobody should have to see that kind of thing. Whether its the 17th century or 21st century, I think nude is inappropiate. It promotes a bad reputation. For instance, pornography. Porn promotes a unhealthy lifestyle. Sex is meant for married couples.

So no, I dont think nude is more acceptable. Social media and society are just perverts, that doesnt make nude acceptable.