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I sell womens plus size clothing wardrobe collections on eBay. Where is the best place to advertise? - Printable Version

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I sell womens plus size clothing wardrobe collections on eBay. Where is the best place to advertise? - nunkledunkle - 02-28-2013 02:36 PM

I own a store on eBay where I sell women's plus size clothing lots. In a five day period I get anywhere between 180 - 300 people passing through. I want to at least double that amount of people, but I am not sure how to go about it. I am on Facebook (with no ads running) & I am on Twitter. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

- Hydro - 02-28-2013 02:40 PM

Pastry shops would probably be the best place to put your flyers in and advertise. lol

- ******** - 02-28-2013 02:46 PM

bakeries. no offence.