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Should politicians be subject to negligent laws like doctors? - Printable Version

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Should politicians be subject to negligent laws like doctors? - TRIM - 02-28-2013 02:40 PM

Should politicians have to swear oaths like the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? I believe that the political system is in need of aggressive reform. If you think this is a valid concern please spread this idea through any social media you are a part of. Thank you.
Negligence laws*

- Anakin - 02-28-2013 02:42 PM


I think that's a great idea!

And NOT just the politicians. Every profession, from blue-collar to high-tech should abide with that principle. The lowly laptop tech should not be careless with your hardware. The bankers and finance executives should not be careless with your money and investments.

Plumbers and mechanics shouldn't break items just so they can bill you higher ... and on-and-on ...
