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Is it possible to pay a girl to be your girlfriend? Highly considering this? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to pay a girl to be your girlfriend? Highly considering this? - anonymous - 02-28-2013 02:52 PM

Im 18 almost 19 and never had a girlfriend in my life before and im getting to the point of going to the extreme. it doesnt help I'm socially awkward, not muscular, odd voice, cant flirt, not funny and im a nice guy...basically a worthless human being who cant offer a girl anything

ive tried dating sites like POF but that resulted in two girls posting my profile onto facebook and was shared 31 times among people. So thats awesome...who knows how many randoms know me now

it helps being countless times your ugly, gross and would be embarrassing to be seen with. Despite older people telling me im a good looking kid but i dont believe that, as they are saying that to be nice

im starving myself to lose weight im 6 feet and currently weigh 160 but have little muscle and aim to get down to 130, no I'm not anorexic or anything....girls like skinny guys

Im going to the extreme now this includes:

plastic surgery- complete surgery to change my voice entirely, chin implants to give me a chiselled look and reducing a bit of fat under my chin and cheeks. Im currently saving for this my title states..can i pay a girl to be my girlfriend minus the sex? Like im considering posting ads and stuff for a girl to be paid monthly by me to be my girlfriend

ive been rejected 9 times by girls who chase after their jerks and batboys, ive held a gun to my head twice already and im ready to just give up. they chose some ******* over a guy like me whos studying politics and law

so can i pay a girl for this? if not i'll be getting a complete overhaul on my face surgically

- Christy - 02-28-2013 02:58 PM

Come on! Why you are so serious about it?
You're only 19. You should just have fun with friends, play game/sport.
I'm 22 and i never date anyone. And I feel fine. IT's not a big deal.
The right one will come at a right time.
MAybe it's not your right time right now. So just wait.

- nora - 02-28-2013 03:07 PM

Don't be so hard on yourself! You're not a worthless human being. No one is worthless. You're only 19. I know plenty of 19 yr olds that have never had a girlfriend. There's 7 billion people out there in this world, I'm sure you'll find the perfect girl sooner or later. Don't sweat it! :-)

- Eldridge Sayers - 02-28-2013 03:17 PM

I've gotten rejected 9 times in a weekend. Keep trying.
Why the fcuk wouldn't you just pay a girl for the sex minus the relationship?
And instead of getting face implants and starving yourself (which, by the way, is anorexia,) why don't you just hit the gym? Girls don't like skinny guys they like guys that are in shape.
Hold off on the shooting yourself thing.
And I'm generally super against plastic surgery, esp. for guys but if that's what you want do your thing.

Also I don't mean to sound like a jerk but have you considered flirting with fat or ugly girls? I mean generally speaking people date others in their general area of physical attractiveness and you describe yourself as ugly and out of shape. Give them a shot otherwise you are just as shallow as the girls that have denied you. Just talk to them until something clicks and then go in for the kiss.
Less attractive girls can be really cool minus the whole lack of self confidence thing, and fat chicks have huge racks. And you don't have to deal with all the whiny bs of hot annoying girls.

- Bradley - 02-28-2013 03:27 PM

If you keep thinking like this you will never have a real GF