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Please, please please answer..... I will answer yours and 10 pts.? - Printable Version

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Please, please please answer..... I will answer yours and 10 pts.? - Sophie - 02-28-2013 03:03 PM

Sorry, its long, but please take the time to read this:

So there is a guy that I absolutely love. I'm 16 and in 10th grade and He is 16 and in my class.We are both Christians. I've liked him for the past two years. We go to a private school so there are only 17 people in our class. we've kinda grown up together, but I didn't really get to know him until two years ago. Last year, we became pretty good friends and we talked all the time and laughed cause we sat next to each other in almost every class. I think he liked me last year cause well, he kinda always hung out with me and my friends.

Then summer came and I couldn't hang out with him case we live like 45 minutes away from each other and at our school, guy and girls hanging out, even as friends, is kinda weird. So I had a party at the end of summer for the people in my class. He messaged me on Facebook the week before the party with a joke and we just had a really fun conversation. Then the party came and i didn't get to talk much cause, well to be honest, it was a little awkward. I'm really shy and it's hard for me to make the first move for anything. So I didn't really approach him at the party

Then school started and we didn't talk much still. Then my dog was mauled to death by my other dog while out at the store. I came to school in tears the next day cause the dog was EXTREMLEY important to me. I didn't talk to him that day, but I got this super sweet message from him that night saying that he was really sorry what happened to me and that I make him laugh everyday and that he thought I was a great person and was that he was praying for me. (He is a really great guy)
So Then the next day almost my entire class left to go to this thing... it was me and then 4 other boys in my class, one of then being the guy I like. One of the other boys though was being really creepy and sitting REALLY close to me so after class I was telling on of my friends that he was creeping on me. Then that night i get another message from him saying he had over heard me and wanted to make sure it wasn't him. The next day I was just a little down and I guess he saw that and asked if I was okay, again over message. He then chatted with me on Facebook a lot saying he liked my hat and my coat and that I'm awesome and funny. He encouraged me to do the school play with him and then says I did awesome at certain events. I would then do the same. Most of the time though, the chats are just really funny. We talk about video games (I'm a geek) and stuff, and sometimes we just say random things. It's pretty awesome. I love talking to him. I talk to him at school too, but It's always a little awkward after we have chatted online. But we do talk at school (again almost aways cracking jokes).

Do you think he may like me? I think he's a little shy when it comes to talking to me in person, but I am too. What should I do? I'm not really supposed to date, so I can't ask him out, but my parents would probably allow it if he asked me out cause they think he is a really good guy. How can I get him to ask me out? Just tell me all you know about what I should do!!! Just please any help?

- Kien - 02-28-2013 03:04 PM

I dont even try to ask questions this long on here anymore... No one ever answers them lol. Anyways, this kid might just be a really nice friend. He might not actually like you, but at the same time, he might. You really need to find out what his feelings are, or else you're just going to walk around wondering, "what if...?" That's what I use to do all the time. There'd be a really cute girl that I'd want to talk to and try to get a number from or something, but I would always chicken out and would never know how it would've went, and if she would've been interested. If you don't want to be like really direct about it or anything, just hint about it on Facebook or whatever you two talk through. Kind of indirectly try to see if he likes you with your messages if that makes sense. I'd personally just straight up ask like, "could you see yourself being with someone like me?" if I was in your position. I've learned from my shyness that it's just so pointless and stupid to live life influenced by being shy. Life is way too short to live caring what everyone thinks. You absolutely have to live your life how YOU want to, or you won't be near as happy. I'm still kind of shy, but NO WHERE near as much as I was before.