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I don't trust my boyfriend with Facebook or a cellphone, what's his deal? why can't I trust him? - Printable Version

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I don't trust my boyfriend with Facebook or a cellphone, what's his deal? why can't I trust him? - Shanna - 02-28-2013 03:35 PM

Pretty insecure right? But I have reason. My boyfriend would use Facebook to contact girl's and pretend he was single and of course start texting and flirting while we were together, we've been together for just over two years. Everything from ex's, sending "body pics", telling girl's he loves them.

But to this day he says he doesn't do that anymore and I don't believe him, because before when I knew he was doing this he would always get mad at me and say he isn't doing nothing wrong and try turn it around on me every time I would ask him about it, until of course I admit I went through his things and he would turn into a huge suck up and say he wouldn't do it again... but of course that never changed.

He got rid of his old cellphone because he knew what my problem was. And he still used Facebook, I'm not to sure if he talks to them but I snooped around that and seen that he still adds these girls on a daily basis. I don't have him as a friend because he liked so much slutty pages on there.

Now he has a new cellphone and he goes off to work and he kept making up so much excuses just to get one which was complete bullshit. I can't trust him with either because how he uses them.
What's his deal? I can't trust him whatsoever, I guess our past he me so insecure and jealous which is why it's hard to trust him.

but what do I do?
How can I trust him with them?

and the getting up and leaving him is going to be hard, he have a 3 month old daughter together.

- Crystal - 02-28-2013 03:38 PM

Just tell him how you feel. If you don't believe him then ask him for his Facebook password and if he doesn't give it to you then he's hiding something and you need to confront him.

- Carol - 02-28-2013 03:40 PM

Bottom line is, if you don't trust someone you CANNOT really love them. Find someone you trust who also trusts you. I know it's hard to leave someone if there is a child or if you've been together a long time but think of it this way... How will it be five years from now when you are still with someone who does not trust you and therefore does not respect you? Also, how would it feel to have someone who really did love you, trust you, respect you? And wouldn't that person make a good step father too?
Life can be hard but please please please, don't waste a minute in a relationship that is not right.
I know from lots of experience. Life is short. Live it with passion and trust and joy in it. Anything else is a waste of life and you will one day regret it terribly.
Good luck and be brave.